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/* a small program to demonstrate C++ addresses, pointers and arrays */
#include <iostream> /* Tait: missing name for import */
#include <iomanip> /* Tait: missing name from import */
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << "main() begin\n";
int XXXX = 111111111;
cout << "XXXX = " << XXXX << endl;
cout << "XXXX is stored at &XXXX = " << &XXXX << endl;
int * YYYY = &XXXX;
cout << "YYYY is a pointer to XXXX: YYYY = " << YYYY << endl;
cout << "* dereferences the pointer: *YYYY = " << *YYYY << endl;
int AAAA[3] = { 222222222, 333333333, 444444444 };
cout << "Array AAAA can be accessed with array notaions: " << endl;
cout << " AAAA[0] = " << AAAA[0] << endl;
cout << " AAAA[1] = " << AAAA[1] << endl;
cout << " AAAA[2] = " << AAAA[2] << endl << endl;
cout << "Array variable AAAA is a pointer to A[0]: AAAA = " << AAAA << endl;
cout << "So, dereferencing AAAA should give us A[0]: *AAAA = " << *AAAA << endl << endl;
cout << "Adding 1 to an int pointer makes it point to the next int" << endl;
cout << "AAAA = " << AAAA << endl;
cout << "AAAA+1 = " << (AAAA+1) << endl;
cout << "*(AAAA+1) = " << *(AAAA+1) << endl << endl;
cout << "We can look at contents of a chunk of memory:" << endl;
cout << "Peeking at the memory in the neighbourhood of &XXXX, we see: " << endl << endl;
cout << "Address Contents in Hex Contents in Decimal " << endl;
int * p = (&XXXX)+7;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
cout << p << ": " << setw(8) << hex << *p << " = " << setw(11) << dec << *p << endl;
p -= 1;
cout << "main() ends" << endl;