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<h2 id="tait-hoyem">Tait Hoyem</h2>
<p>Hello, Alice</p>
<p>This will be short and sweet.</p>
<p>Copying and explaining information in accessible ways is something I have been doing my entire life—sometimes without realizing it.
As a partially-sighted student,
I know what information makes sense without visuals and what information will be completely meaningless without additional context or description.</p>
<p>I also have some background in computer science.
This allows me to transcribe and explain only what is important.
Somebody without this background may not know when a number being shown on screen is important or when it is genuinely meaningless.
I also do not need to go back and forth to the text I am copying from to be one-hundered percent sure I have the right paranthasies, brackets, less-than signs, et cetera.
All these patterns make sense to me when I read them.</p>
<p>Although I would prefer to work with computer science students,
I am willing to be used more broadly if that is of use to you.</p>
<p>Thank you for your consideration,</p>
<p>—Tait Hoyem</p>