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<h1 id="demo">Demo</h1>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> .global copy
# A in rdi, C in rsi, N in edx
xorl %eax,%eax # set eax to 0
# since this is a leaf function, no need to save caller-saved registers rcx and r8
xorl %ecx,%ecx # row number i is in ecx -&gt; i = 0; red highlight
# For each row
movl $0,%r8d # column number j in r8d -&gt; j = 0; pink highlight
cmpl %edx,%ecx # loop as long as i - N &lt; 0
jqe doneWithRows # yellow highlight
# For each cell of this row
cmpl %edx,%r8d # loop as long as j - N &lt; 0
jge doneWithCells # blue highlight
# Compute the address of current cell that is copied from A to C
# since this function is a leaf function no need to save caller-saved registers r10 and r11
# Memory computation: A[i][j] = A + (i*C*L) + (j*L) = A + L * ((i*c)+j)
# if C and R =&gt; N = A+L * (i*N+j)
movl %edx,%r10d # r10d = N
imull %ecx,%r10d # r10d = i*N
addl %r8d,%r10d # i*N + j
imull $1,%r10d # r10 = L*(i*N+j) -&gt; L is char (1 Byte); highlighted
movq %r10,%r11 # r11 = L*(i*N+j)
addq %rdi,%r10 # r10 = A+L*(i*N+j)
addq %rsi,%r11 # r11 = C+L*(i*N+j)
# Copy A[L*(i*N+j)] to C[L*(i*N+j)]
movb (%r10),%r9b # temp = A[L*(i*N+j)]
movb %r9b,(%r11) # C[L*(i*N+j)] = temp
incl %r8d # column number j++ (in r8d)
jmp colLoop # go to the next cell
# Go to next row
doneWithCells: # blue highlight
incl %ecx # row number i++ (in ecx)
jmp rowLoop # Play it again, Sam!
doneWithRows: # bye bye!; yellow highlight