You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
930 B

- section: "Languages"
- skill: "English (native)"
- skill: "Mandarin Chinese (novice)"
- section: "Programming Languages"
- skill: "C/C++"
- skill: "Python"
- skill: "Rust"
- skill: "Java & Java EE"
- skill: "HTML/CSS/JS (Frontend Web)"
- skill: "Typescript, SCSS, Static Site Generation"
- skill: "PHP"
- skill: "POSIX-compliant Shell"
- skill: "LaTeX, MathML"
- section: "Frameworks/Environments/Libraries"
- skill: "Flask, Django, Tornado (Python)"
- skill: "Rocket, Actix, Serde, proc_macro (Rust)"
- skill: "JQuery (Javascript)"
- skill: "Jekyll (Ruby)"
- section: "Miscellaneous & Hobbies"
- skill: "3D Printing"
- skill: "Proxmox Virtualization"
- skill: "Embedded Systems (RPi, ESP-compatible)"
- skill: "Founder of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology's Free & Open-Source Software Club"