CMPT 225 - 16 - Hash Tables

Bit Vector Review

Hash Functions

Hash Functions + Bit Vector

Bloom Filters

B[i]={trueif h(x)=i for some hHfalseo.w. B[i] = \begin{cases} \text{true} & \text{if } h(x)=i \text{ for some } h\in H\\ \text{false} & \text{o.w.} \end{cases}

Hash Tables

(Transcriber’s note: the \cup symbol is the symbol for union.)

Hashing with Separate Checking

Hashing with Probing (Open Addressing)

Hashing with Probing (Open Addressing)

Hashing with Linear Probing

Hashing with Quadratic Probing

Double Hashing

Removal with Open Addressing

Removal with Open Addressing

Load Factor

Some Properties with Open Addressing


Hashing Properties
