How To Encrypt Your Own Documents Using gpg

If you have ever wanted to garuntee the utmost security of your emails and documents, then this is the guide for you! It should be noted that in some circles the tools used are more common than in others. These are the everyday tools of many privacy advocates and computer nerds.

How Asymetric Encryption Works

In a few previous articles I have explained why encryption may be important to you and how the theory behind encryption works. I did not yet explain the system of asymetric cryptography, however. That is what this article is for.

How Does Encryption Work, in Theory?

There are many kinds of encryption used in our everyday communication. Online and offline, over the internet and in person. In this article, I will explain the basics of how encryption should work in theory. I explain in this article why encryption is important, and why you should care about it.

Is Encryption Worth It?

What is the most embarassing thing you have typed into Google search? What is the most personal secret you told a friend in confidence? What is your bank password? What is your business’s secret to stay ahead of the competition?

Padding And Margin

Many people have expressed confusion over how padding and margins work in HTML/CSS. I have been one of those people. In this short article I will explain what the differences are between the two, and how it may affect the functionality of your site.