Welcome to CMPT 295

Introduction to Computer Systems

My name is Anne Lavergne

Lecture 1 – Course Overview + Activity

Today’s Menu [1]

COVID protocol – About masks! [2]

Here is a message from Elizabeth Elle, SFU Vice Provost Learning & Teaching, based on the public health order:

What is CMPT 295? [3]

The big picture: [4]

In CMPT 295, we shall learn …

C programs (.c) – How our code and data are represented in memory

Assembly programs (.s) – How a compiler transforms our code into machine executable code in several steps

Object (.o) file an executable – How a compiler optimizes (or not) our code

Computer executes it – How a microprocessor is designed and how it executes our code

CPU, Memory – How memory is designed

How all of this can impact the execution of our code How to write more efficient and reliable code: * Be able to find and eliminate bugs more efficiently * Be able to ascertain program performance and tune it by optimizing our code

What should we already know? [5]

Which resources do we have? [6]

Activity - Discover our resources [7]

Instructions: 1. Form teams of 3 to 4 2. Do Lecture 1 Activity on CourSys 3. Time: about 30 minutes

Question? [8]

Blank page.

Summary [9]

Next Lecture [10]