

The iterative algorithms

  * initialize 
  * repeat n-1 times
    * move 1 element from unsorted and sorted part

Insertion Sort

Diagram of array as it gets sorted in three stages:


insertion sort(A){
  for(i=1 to n-1){
    pivot = A[i] // first element in unsorted part
    // The following loop shifts all elements in sorted parts that are larger than pivot 1 "to the right"
    while(j>=0 AND A[i] > pivot){
      A[j+i] = A[j] // shift jth
      j = j-1
    A[j+i] = pivot // move pivot into position.

Insertion Sort Example


Selection Sort

Diagram of parts:


  for(i=1 to n-1){
    // find min element of unsorted
    j=i-1 // j is index of min found so far.
      if(A[k]<A[j]) j=k;
    swap A[i-1] and A[j]

Process of Selection Sort:

Heapsort (Selection Sort is crossed out)

Consider the organization of array contents:

  1. (Diagram of array with sorted half on the right and the unsorted half on the left.) A purple arrow points to the leftmost element in the unsorted portion. The note reads: “if this is the root of the heap, then it is also the smallest element in the unsorted part, so is in its correct final position. To use this arrangement, the root of the heap keeps moving, so we have lots of shifting to do.”
  2. (A diagram showing the same array with sorted and unsorted halves.) A purple arrow points to the last element in the array; it points to a purple circle. A purple square is at the leftmost element of the unsorted half (the one discussed in the last item). The note reads: “If this is the root of the, then everything works:
    • We extract the final element (purple circle); move the last leaf (purple square) to the root + do a percolate-down; store the final element (purple circle) where the last element of the unsorted list (purple square) was, which is now free, and is the correct final location for the previously final element (purple circle); after which we have:
    • (Diagram of array with the “sorted” half extended one cell over to encompass the purple circle) * But: we must re-code our heap implementation s.t. the root is at A[n-1], with the result that the indexing is now less intuitive.
  3. Instead, we use a max-heap, and this arrangement:
    • (Diagram showcasing, as previously, a sorted half to the right and an unsorted half on the left. An orange circle labeled “root of heap” is the very first element of the list and the unsorted half; an orange square labeled “last leaf” sits at the end (rightmost side) of the unsorted half.)
    • The heap root is at A[0]
    • Heap Extraction remove the root of the heap (orange circle), moves the last leaf (orange square) to A[0], freeing up the spot where the root of the heap (orange circle) belongs.
    • This leaves us with: (Diagram of the orange circle near the middle of the array, at the leftmost portion of the sorted half. The orange square is in the center of the unsorted half.)
    • Re-coding a min heap into a max heap is just replacing < with > and vice versa.

Heapsort (Selectioon Sort is crossed out)


  for(i=1 to n-1){
    A[n-1] extractMax()

Stages of sorting:

Unsorted heap of size 1 has smallest element.

Heapsort with in-line percolate-down


  for(i=1 to n-1){
    swap A[0] and A[n-1] // move last leaf to root and old root to where last leaf was
    size <- n-i+1 // size of heap = size of unsorted part
    // start of percolate down
    j <- 0
    while(2j+1 < size){
      child <- 2j+1
      if(2j+2 < size AND A[2j+2] < A[2j+1]){
        child <- 2j+2
        swap A[child] and A[j]
        j <- child
      } else {
        j <- size // termite the while
    } // end of percolate down

Heapsort Example

Tree version of above (heap):


After re-heap and one removal:

After a second re-heap and removal:

After a third:

Examples stop here.

Heapsort Example (2)

(Repeat same as above, except with different trees.)

Trees (Transcriber’s note: these trees don’t seem relavant to me…. but maybe I’m wrong):

Time Complexity of Iterative Sorting Algorithms

Selection Sort
exactly n-i comparisons to find num element in unsorted part
Insertion Sort
between 1 and i comparisons to find location for pivot
between 1 and 2log2(ni1)2\log_{2} (n-i-1) comparisons for percolate-down

* Number of comparisons

Selection Sort

On input of size n, # of comparisons is always (regardless of input):

i=1n1(ni)=i=1n1i=S(ni)=(n1)(n)2=n2n2=Θ(n2) \begin{aligned} \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} (n-i) & = \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} i\\ & = S(n-i)\\ & = \frac{(n-1)(n)}{2}\\ & = \frac{n^2 -n}{2}\\ & = \Theta(n^2) \end{aligned}

Insertion Sort – Worst Case

Upper Bound: # comparisonsi=1n1i=n2n2=O(n2)\text{\# comparisons} \leq \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} i = \frac{n^{2} -n}{2} = O(n^{2})

Lower Bound:

So, insertion sort worst case is Θ(n2)\Theta(n^{2})

(Transcriber’s note: I’m fairly certain you can only use big-O notation when talking about worst case scenario, not Theta. But I’m leaving it as written.)

Insertion Sort Best Case

Best case: initial sequence is fully ordered.

Then: In each stage, exactly 1 comparison is made.

So, # comparisons=n1=Θ(n)\text{\# comparisons} = n-1 = \Theta(n).

Heapsort Worst Case

Upper bound:

# comparisonsi=1n12log2(ni+1)=2i=1n1log2(i+1)=2i=1n1log2n=2nlog2n=O(nlogn) \begin{aligned} \text{\# comparisons} & \leq \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} 2\log_{2} (n-i+1)\\ & = 2\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \log_{2} (i+1)\\ & = \leq 2\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \log_{2} n\\ & = \leq 2n\log_{2} n\\ & = O(n \log n) \end{aligned}

Lower Bound? (empty space)

Base Case? (What input would lead to no movement during percolate-down? What if we exclude this case?)

Recursive Divide & Conquer Sorting