really remove _site

Tait Hoyem 2 years ago
commit bc768059f0

@ -3,25 +3,32 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{{ page.title }} |</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/style.css" id="main-css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/transcription.css" id="trans-css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/style.css" id="main-stylesheet">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="/assets/js/"></script>
{% if page.math %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/katex.css" id="math-css">
{%- if page.math -%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/katex.css" id="math-stylesheet">
{% endif %}
{% if page.code %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/highlighting.css" id="code-css">
{%- if page.code -%}
<!-- TODO: add this to /md page -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/highlight.css" id="code-stylesheet">
{% endif %}
{% contentblock extrahead %}
<div id="wrapper">
{{ content }}
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> ca770be68ffdcb836bbddb3a47786c64f4f717a7

@ -209,4 +209,53 @@ make a tool which can do the following:
This seems like something that, if it does exist, is probably proprietary and costs the same as my services would as a whole.
### 10.6 a "slideshow" thingy, but accessible(?)
For every diagram I create, add a "presentation" widget which can take any list of diagrams and present them in an accessible sequence. I will explain.
So imagine you have 5 diagrams of a binary tree, each with a specific action being done to the binary tree to show it changing over time.
So you insert some elements, remove some elements.
Attach an `aria-live` region to a comment for each diagram and have hotkeys which can load the next and previous diagram.
So for example you could have a binary tree that looks like:
* root
* left child
* right child
With the label "this is a height=2 perfect binary tree".
Let the user know somewhere that capslock+alt+n will open the next diagram (or have a button).
When the user presses the button, `aria-live` will announce "Notice where the new node was inserted.", and display the following diagram:
* root
* left node
* right node
* right node #2
Keep the user on the same positioned node across a new diagram (unless it is a different type).
If the user is focused on "right node" on the first slide, make sure they end up on "right node" on the second slide.
Now the user can navigate with context to where they were previously.
In the case where a diagram has a corollary twin or equivalent diagram to show in some other form: keep the users' focus on the correct node in the diagram across a move to a new "slide"?
Probably easy to do if I tag every diagram node with `id: "abc123"` and do the same on the next diagram.
If there is a matching `node_id` attribute on the new diagram's elements, then focus there automatically.
### 10.7 Screen reader plugin ideas related
Use an Odilia/NVDA plugin to make some of this content even *more* accessible!
Who says open-source can't have vertical integration?
Ok so something like `.patch` files can be hard to read, even for sighted individuals, but perhaps with more integration on a screen reader level,
you could get earcons for addition, removal and stationary lines of code.
Another example:
Perhaps a screen reader user wants to know what type of syntax is being highlighted, this is pretty easily done, even on a static site, with CSS highlighting and a good syntax highlighter which can parse your text and turn it pretty with `span` elements.
Now, what if, through a plugin, you could hit something like `CapsLock+Alt+T` to get the type of token you are currently focused on (i.e., "variable", "function", "object", "struct", "class", "keyword", etc.)
I'm not sure if this one is useful at all, I just know I like my syntax highlighting lol!
I bet there are a TON of uses for vertical integration through NVDA/Odilia plugins.
I will keep writing them down somewhere here....
It really depends on the target audience as Odilia is targeted to *already* technical people and NVDA is primary used by Windows users---this is to say that an NVDA users will, on average, be less technical than an Odilia user.
