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<h1 id="memory--pointers-1">Memory &amp; Pointers 1</h1>
<p>CMPT-225, Fall 2021</p>
<h2 id="computer-memory">Computer Memory</h2>
<li>A sequence of locations</li>
<li>Indexed by address: 0,1,2,…</li>
<li>Each location stores a data <em>byte</em></li>
<li>Processor can <em>read</em> or <em>write</em> the byte at each address.</li>
<li>Regions of memory are allocated to processes <em>as needed</em>, according to some scheme.</li>
<p>Diagram displaying “Code + Data for running part of OS” at the start of memory, “Free memory” in the middle, and “Code + Data for running user processes” and the end.</p>
<h2 id="variables--memory">Variables &amp; Memory</h2>
<p>A variable is (roughly) and names &amp; tagged collection of bytes:</p>
<p>Diagram showing:</p>
<li>“int x; x = 6” taking 4 bytes of memory,</li>
<li>“char c; c = x;” taking 1 byte of memory</li>
<p>“bool b; b = true;” taking 1 byte of memory</p>
<li>So, <em>at run time</em>, each variable has an <em>address</em> in memory.</li>
<li>In C, C++ we can:
<li>access the address of a variable</li>
<li>access a variable or memory location by its address</li>
<li>declare variables by storing addresses (pointers).</li>
<h2 id="addresses--pointers---by-example">Addresses &amp; Pointers - By Example</h2>
<li>“int i = 5;”
<li>allocate space for an <em>int</em>,</li>
<li>name the space “i”,</li>
<li>store 5 there</li>
<li>“int *p;”
<li>allocate space for an address,</li>
<li>name it p,</li>
<li>record its type as “pointer to int”</li>
<li>“p = ∧i;”
<li>&amp;i” is the address of “i”</li>
<li>store ∧i in p</li>
<li>so, p becomes a <em>pointer to i</em></li>
<li>“cout « i;”
<li>outputs the value stored in i, <em>5</em></li>
<li>“cout « p;”
<li>outputs the address of i: 0xbffffbbc</li>
<li>“cout « *p;”
<li>”*” <em>dereferences</em> p. That is, *p is the value <em>pointed to by p</em>. In this case <em>5</em></li>
<p>Diagram of memory:</p>
<td><span id="point">254</span></td>
<td><a href="#point">254</a></td>
<p>Second diagram of memory:</p>
<td>4 bytes</td>
<td>4 bytesa</td>
<p>Slide showing program code: see pointers.c</p>
<p>Slide showing output: see output.txt</p>
<p>Slide showing same program with different highlights.</p>
<p>Slide showing same output with different highlights.</p>
<h2 id="end">End</h2>