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extern crate tokio;
use ssip_client::{fifo, ClientName, ClientResult};
#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "tokio"))]
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() -> ClientResult<()> {
let mut client = fifo::Builder::new().build()?;
.set_client_name(ClientName::new("joe", "hello"))?
let msg_id = client
.send_line("Lorem ipsum dollar mit amit dor BIG CHEESE! Hi 123 hi 123 hi 123 hi 123.")?
println!("message: {}", msg_id);
let volume = client.get_volume()?.receive_u8()?;
println!("volume: {}", volume);
#[cfg(all(unix, not(feature = "tokio")))]
fn main() {
println!("see for an example of a synchronous client.");
fn main() {
println!("example only available on unix.");