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swhkd(5) "" "File Formats Manual"
swhkd - Hotkey daemon inspired by sxhkd written in rust
- A global config can be defined in */etc/swhkd/swhkdrc*. Swhkd attempts to look in your *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME*, failing which it defaults to *~/.config*.
- A local config overrides the global one. Local configs should be placed in the root of the project.
Each line of the configuration file is interpreted as so:
- If it is empty or starts with #, it is ignored.
- If it starts with a space, it is read as a command.
- Otherwise, it is read as a hotkey.
For valid keys and modifiers, check *swhkd-keys(5)*
# Import another configuration file.
# NOTE: the path provided must be absolute and not relative such as `~`.
include /home/YourUserName/.config/swhkd/swhkdrc
ignore alt + print # globally ignore a key binding
# terminal
super + ReTuRn # case insensitive
super + shift + enter # enter = return
# file manager
super + shift + f
# web-browser
super + w
# bspwm
super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l}
bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}
super + ctrl + alt + {Left\
n=10; \
{ d1=left; d2=right; dx=-$n; dy=0; \
, d1=bottom; d2=top; dx=0; dy=$n; \
, d1=top; d2=bottom; dx=0; dy=-$n; \
, d1=right; d2=left; dx=$n; dy=0; \
} \
bspc node --resize $d1 $dx $dy || bspc node --resize $d2 $dx $dy
super + {\,, .}
bspc node -f {next.local,prev.local}
# screenshot
any + print # any represent at least one of the valid modifiers
scrot -s
# Append with @ to run on key-release.
@super + shift + f
# Append with ~ to emit the hotkey after the command is triggered. Aka, don't swallow the hotkey.
~super + shift + f
super + m
# commands starting with @ are internal commands.
# internal commands can be combined with normal commands with '&&'.
# '@enter' pushes a mode into the mode stack and starts listening only the
# key bindings defined in that mode
@enter music && echo "music" > ~/.config/waybar/swhkd-mode
mode music # use the mode statement to define a mode
# '@escape' pops the current mode out of the mode stack
# the default mode is 'normal mode', which is always on the bottom of the mode
# stack and can never be escaped
@escape && echo "normal" > ~/.config/waybar/swhkd-mode
{n, p, space, r, z, y}
mpc {next, prev, toggle, repeat, random, single}
endmode # use endmode if you want to set more key bindings for normal mode
Maintained by Shinyzenith <>, EdenQwQ <>, and Angelo Fallaria <>.
For more information about development, see <>.
- *swhkd(1)*
- *swhkd-keys(5)*
- *swhks(1)*