use clap::{arg, App}; use evdev::{AttributeSet, Device, Key}; use nix::unistd::{Group, Uid}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, fs, io::prelude::*, os::unix::net::UnixStream, path::Path, process::{exit, id, Command, Stdio}, thread::sleep, time::Duration, time::SystemTime, }; use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, System, SystemExt}; mod config; #[derive(PartialEq)] pub struct LastHotkey { hotkey: config::Hotkey, ran_at: SystemTime, } pub fn main() { let args = set_flags().get_matches(); env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "swhkd=warn"); if args.is_present("debug") { env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "swhkd=trace"); } env_logger::init(); log::trace!("Logger initialized."); let pidfile: String = String::from("/tmp/"); if Path::new(&pidfile).exists() { log::trace!("Reading {} file and checking for running instances.", pidfile); let swhkd_pid = match fs::read_to_string(&pidfile) { Ok(swhkd_pid) => swhkd_pid, Err(e) => { log::error!("Unable to read {} to check all running instances", e); exit(1); } }; log::debug!("Previous PID: {}", swhkd_pid); let mut sys = System::new_all(); sys.refresh_all(); for (pid, process) in sys.processes() { if pid.to_string() == swhkd_pid { if process.exe() == env::current_exe().unwrap() { log::error!("Swhkd is already running!"); exit(1); } } } } match fs::write(&pidfile, id().to_string()) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { log::error!("Unable to write to {}: {}", pidfile, e); exit(1); } } permission_check(); let config_file_path: std::path::PathBuf; if args.is_present("config") { config_file_path = Path::new(args.value_of("config").unwrap()).to_path_buf(); } else { config_file_path = check_config_xdg(); } log::debug!("Using config file path: {:#?}", config_file_path); if !config_file_path.exists() { log::error!("{:#?} doesn't exist", config_file_path); exit(1); } log::trace!("Attempting to find all keyboard file descriptors."); let mut keyboard_devices: Vec = Vec::new(); for (_, device) in evdev::enumerate().enumerate() { if check_keyboard(&device) { keyboard_devices.push(device); } } if keyboard_devices.is_empty() { log::error!("No valid keyboard device was detected!"); exit(1); } log::debug!("{} Keyboard device(s) detected.", keyboard_devices.len()); let hotkeys = match config::load(config_file_path) { Err(e) => { log::error!("Error: failed to parse config file at line {:#?}", e); exit(1); } Ok(out) => out, }; for hotkey in &hotkeys { log::debug!("hotkey: {:#?}", hotkey); } let modifiers_map: HashMap = HashMap::from([ (Key::KEY_LEFTMETA, config::Modifier::Super), (Key::KEY_RIGHTMETA, config::Modifier::Super), (Key::KEY_LEFTMETA, config::Modifier::Super), (Key::KEY_RIGHTMETA, config::Modifier::Super), (Key::KEY_LEFTALT, config::Modifier::Alt), (Key::KEY_RIGHTALT, config::Modifier::Alt), (Key::KEY_LEFTCTRL, config::Modifier::Control), (Key::KEY_RIGHTCTRL, config::Modifier::Control), (Key::KEY_LEFTSHIFT, config::Modifier::Shift), (Key::KEY_RIGHTSHIFT, config::Modifier::Shift), ]); let repeat_cooldown_duration: u128; if args.is_present("cooldown") { repeat_cooldown_duration = args.value_of("cooldown").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); } else { repeat_cooldown_duration = 250; } let mut key_states: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut possible_hotkeys: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut default_test_modifier: Vec = Vec::new(); default_test_modifier.push(config::Modifier::Super); let mut last_hotkey = LastHotkey { // just a dummy last_hotkey so I don't need to mess with Option. TODO: Change this to Option hotkey: config::Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_A, default_test_modifier, String::from("notify-send \"it works\""), ), ran_at: SystemTime::now(), }; loop { for device in &keyboard_devices { key_states.push(device.get_key_state().unwrap()); } // check if a hotkey in hotkeys is pressed for state in &key_states { for hotkey in &hotkeys { if hotkey.modifiers.len() < state.iter().count() { possible_hotkeys.push(hotkey.clone()); } else { continue; } } if possible_hotkeys.is_empty() { continue; } let mut state_modifiers: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut state_keysyms: Vec = Vec::new(); for key in state.iter() { if let Some(modifier) = modifiers_map.get(&key) { state_modifiers.push(*modifier); } else { state_keysyms.push(key); } } log::debug!("state_modifiers: {:#?}", state_modifiers); log::debug!("state_keysyms: {:#?}", state_keysyms); log::debug!("hotkey: {:#?}", possible_hotkeys); for hotkey in &possible_hotkeys { // this should check if state_modifiers and hotkey.modifiers have the same elements if state_modifiers.iter().all(|x| hotkey.modifiers.contains(x)) && state_modifiers.len() == hotkey.modifiers.len() && state_keysyms.contains(&hotkey.keysym) { if last_hotkey.hotkey == hotkey.clone() { let time_since_ran_at = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(last_hotkey.ran_at) { Ok(n) => n.as_millis(), Err(e) => { log::error!("Error: {:#?}", e); exit(1); } }; if time_since_ran_at <= repeat_cooldown_duration { log::error!( "In cooldown: {:#?} \nTime Remaining: {:#?}ms", hotkey, repeat_cooldown_duration - time_since_ran_at ); continue; } else { last_hotkey = LastHotkey { hotkey: hotkey.clone(), ran_at: SystemTime::now() }; } } else { last_hotkey = LastHotkey { hotkey: hotkey.clone(), ran_at: SystemTime::now() }; } log::info!("Hotkey pressed: {:#?}", hotkey); if let Err(e) = sock_send(&hotkey.command) { log::error!("Failed to send command over IPC."); log::error!("Is swhks running?"); log::error!("{:#?}", e) } } } } key_states.clear(); possible_hotkeys.clear(); sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); // without this, swhkd will start to chew through your cpu. } } pub fn permission_check() { if !Uid::current().is_root() { let groups = nix::unistd::getgroups(); for (_, groups) in groups.iter().enumerate() { for group in groups { let group = Group::from_gid(*group); if group.unwrap().unwrap().name == "input" { log::error!("Note: INVOKING USER IS IN INPUT GROUP!!!!"); log::error!("THIS IS A HUGE SECURITY RISK!!!!"); } } } log::error!("Consider using `pkexec swhkd ...`"); exit(1); } else { log::warn!("Running swhkd as root!"); } } pub fn check_keyboard(device: &Device) -> bool { if device.supported_keys().map_or(false, |keys| keys.contains(Key::KEY_ENTER)) { log::debug!("{} is a keyboard.",,); true } else { log::trace!("{} is not a keyboard.",,); false } } pub fn set_flags() -> App<'static> { let app = App::new("swhkd") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .author(env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS")) .about("Simple Wayland HotKey Daemon") .arg( arg!(-c --config ) .required(false) .takes_value(true) .help("Set a custom config file path."), ) .arg( arg!(-C --cooldown ) .required(false) .takes_value(true) .help("Set a custom repeat cooldown duration. Default is 250ms."), ) .arg(arg!(-d - -debug).required(false).help("Enable debug mode.")); app } pub fn check_config_xdg() -> std::path::PathBuf { let config_file_path: std::path::PathBuf; match env::var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") { Ok(val) => { config_file_path = Path::new(&val).join("swhkd/swhkdrc"); log::debug!("XDG_CONFIG_HOME exists: {:#?}", val); return config_file_path; } Err(_) => { log::error!("XDG_CONFIG_HOME has not been set."); config_file_path = Path::new("/etc/swhkd/swhkdrc").to_path_buf(); log::warn!( "Note: Due to the design of the application, the invoking user is always root." ); log::warn!("You can set a custom config file with the -c option."); log::warn!("Adding your user to the input group could solve this."); log::warn!("However that's a massive security flaw and basically defeats the purpose of using wayland."); log::warn!("The following issue may be addressed in the future, but it is certainly not a priority right now."); } } config_file_path } fn sock_send(command: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut stream = UnixStream::connect("/tmp/swhkd.sock")?; stream.write_all(command.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) }