use interprocess::local_socket::{LocalSocketListener, LocalSocketStream}; use std::{ env, error::Error, fs, io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader}, path::Path, process::{exit, id, Command, Stdio}, }; use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, System, SystemExt}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "swhks=trace"); env_logger::init(); let pidfile: String = String::from("/tmp/"); let sockfile: String = String::from("/tmp/swhkd.sock"); if Path::new(&pidfile).exists() { log::trace!("Reading {} file and checking for running instances.", pidfile); let swhkd_pid = match fs::read_to_string(&pidfile) { Ok(swhkd_pid) => swhkd_pid, Err(e) => { log::error!("Unable to read {} to check all running instances", e); exit(1); } }; log::debug!("Previous PID: {}", swhkd_pid); let mut sys = System::new_all(); sys.refresh_all(); for (pid, process) in sys.processes() { if pid.to_string() == swhkd_pid { if process.exe() == env::current_exe().unwrap() { log::error!("Server is already running!"); exit(1); } } } } if Path::new(&sockfile).exists() { log::trace!("Sockfile exists, attempting to remove it."); match fs::remove_file(&sockfile) { Ok(_) => { log::debug!("Removed old socket file"); } Err(e) => { log::error!("Error removeing the socket file!: {}", e); exit(1); } }; } match fs::write(&pidfile, id().to_string()) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { log::error!("Unable to write to {}: {}", pidfile, e); exit(1); } } fn handle_error(connection: io::Result) -> Option { connection.map_err(|error| log::error!("Incoming connection failed: {}", error)).ok() } fn run_system_command(command: &String) -> () { match Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg(command) .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn() { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { log::error!("Failed to execute {}", command); log::error!("Error, {}", e); } } } let listener = LocalSocketListener::bind(sockfile)?; for conn in listener.incoming().filter_map(handle_error) { let mut conn = BufReader::new(conn); let mut buffer = String::new(); conn.read_line(&mut buffer)?; log::debug!("Recieved command : {}", buffer); run_system_command(&buffer); } Ok(()) }