mod test_config { use crate::config::{ extract_curly_brace, load, load_file_contents, parse_contents, Error, Hotkey, Modifier, ParseError, Prefix, }; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::{fs::File, path::PathBuf}; // Implement a struct for a path used in tests // so that the test file will be automatically removed // no matter how the test goes struct TestPath { path: PathBuf, } impl TestPath { fn new(path: &str) -> Self { TestPath { path: PathBuf::from(path) } } // Create a path method for a more succinct way // to deal with borrowing the path value fn path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.path.clone() } } impl Drop for TestPath { fn drop(self: &mut TestPath) { if self.path.exists() { fs::remove_file(self.path()).unwrap(); } } } // Wrapper for config tests fn eval_config_test(contents: &str, expected_hotkeys: Vec) -> std::io::Result<()> { let result = parse_contents(PathBuf::new(), contents.to_string()); let mut expected_hotkeys_mut = expected_hotkeys; if result.is_err() { panic!("Expected Ok config, found Err {:?}", result.unwrap_err()); } let result = &result.unwrap()[0]; let actual_hotkeys = &result.hotkeys; assert_eq!(actual_hotkeys.len(), expected_hotkeys_mut.len()); // Go through each actual hotkey, and pop a corresponding // hotkey from the expected hotkeys // to make sure that order does not matter for hotkey in actual_hotkeys { if let Some(index) = expected_hotkeys_mut.iter().position(|key| { key.keybinding == hotkey.keybinding && key.command == hotkey.command }) { expected_hotkeys_mut.remove(index); } else { panic!( "unexpected hotkey {:#?} found in result\nExpected result:\n{:#?}", hotkey, expected_hotkeys_mut ); } } if !expected_hotkeys_mut.is_empty() { panic!( "Some hotkeys were not returned by the actual result:\n{:#?}", expected_hotkeys_mut ); } Ok(()) } // Wrapper for the many error tests fn eval_invalid_config_test( contents: &str, parse_error_type: ParseError, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let result = parse_contents(PathBuf::new(), contents.to_string()); assert!(result.is_err()); let result = result.unwrap_err(); // Check if the Error type is InvalidConfig let result = match result { Error::InvalidConfig(parse_err) => parse_err, _ => panic!(), }; // Check the ParseError enum type if result != parse_error_type { panic!("ParseError: Expected `{:?}`, found `{:?}`", parse_error_type, result); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_nonexistent_file() { let path = PathBuf::from(r"This File Doesn't Exist"); let result = load_file_contents(&path); assert!(result.is_err()); match result.unwrap_err() { Error::ConfigNotFound => {} _ => { panic!("Error type for nonexistent file is wrong."); } } } #[test] fn test_existing_file() -> std::io::Result<()> { let setup = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file1"); // Build a dummy file in /tmp let mut f = File::create(setup.path())?; f.write_all( b" x dmenu_run q bspc node -q", )?; let result = load_file_contents(&setup.path()); assert!(result.is_ok()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_load_multiple_config() -> std::io::Result<()> { let setup = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file2"); let mut f = File::create(setup.path())?; f.write_all( b" include /tmp/sohkd-test-file3 super + b firefox", )?; let setup2 = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file3"); let mut f2 = File::create(setup2.path())?; f2.write_all( b" super + c hello", )?; let hotkeys = &load(&setup.path()).unwrap()[0].hotkeys; assert_eq!( *hotkeys, vec!( Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("hello")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("firefox")) ) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_relative_import() -> std::io::Result<()> { let setup = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-relative-file1"); let mut f = File::create(setup.path())?; f.write_all( b" include sohkd-relative-file2 super + b firefox", )?; let setup2 = TestPath::new("sohkd-relative-file2"); let mut f2 = File::create(setup2.path())?; f2.write_all( b" super + c hello", )?; let hotkeys = &load(&setup.path()).unwrap()[0].hotkeys; assert_eq!( *hotkeys, vec!( Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("hello")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("firefox")) ) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_more_multiple_configs() -> std::io::Result<()> { let setup = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file4"); let mut f = File::create(setup.path())?; f.write_all( b" a a", )?; let setup2 = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file5"); let mut f2 = File::create(setup2.path())?; f2.write_all( b" include /tmp/sohkd-test-file4 b b", )?; let setup3 = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file6"); let mut f3 = File::create(setup3.path())?; f3.write_all( b" include /tmp/sohkd-test-file4 include /tmp/sohkd-test-file5 include /tmp/sohkd-test-file6 include /tmp/sohkd-test-file7 c c", )?; let setup4 = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file7"); let mut f4 = File::create(setup4.path())?; f4.write_all( b" include /tmp/sohkd-test-file6 d d", )?; let hotkeys = &load(&setup4.path()).unwrap()[0].hotkeys; assert_eq!( *hotkeys, vec!( Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![], String::from("c")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![], String::from("a")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![], String::from("b")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_D, vec![], String::from("d")), ) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_include_and_unbind() -> std::io::Result<()> { let setup = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file8"); let mut f = File::create(setup.path())?; f.write_all( b" include /tmp/sohkd-test-file9 super + b firefox ignore super + d", )?; let setup2 = TestPath::new("/tmp/sohkd-test-file9"); let mut f2 = File::create(setup2.path())?; f2.write_all( b" super + c hello super + d world", )?; let hotkeys = &load(&setup.path()).unwrap()[0].hotkeys; assert_eq!( *hotkeys, vec!( Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("hello")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("firefox")) ) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_basic_keybind() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " r alacritty "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_R, vec![], String::from("alacritty"))], ) } #[test] fn test_multiple_keybinds() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " r alacritty w kitty t /bin/firefox "; let hotkey_1 = Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_R, vec![], String::from("alacritty")); let hotkey_2 = Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_W, vec![], String::from("kitty")); let hotkey_3 = Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_T, vec![], String::from("/bin/firefox")); eval_config_test(contents, vec![hotkey_1, hotkey_2, hotkey_3]) } #[test] fn test_comments() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " r alacritty w kitty #t #/bin/firefox "; let expected_keybinds = vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_R, vec![], String::from("alacritty")), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_W, vec![], String::from("kitty")), ]; eval_config_test(contents, expected_keybinds) } #[test] fn test_multiple_keypress() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + 5 alacritty "; let expected_keybinds = vec![Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_5, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("alacritty"))]; eval_config_test(contents, expected_keybinds) } #[test] fn test_keysym_instead_of_modifier() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " shift + k + m notify-send 'Hello world!' "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::InvalidModifier(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_modifier_instead_of_keysym() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " shift + k + alt notify-send 'Hello world!' "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::InvalidModifier(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_unfinished_plus_sign() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " shift + alt + notify-send 'Hello world!' "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 4)) } #[test] fn test_plus_sign_at_start() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " + shift + k notify-send 'Hello world!' "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_common_modifiers() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " shift + k notify-send 'Hello world!' control + 5 notify-send 'Hello world!' alt + 2 notify-send 'Hello world!' super + z notify-send 'Hello world!' "; let expected_hotkeys = vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_K, vec![Modifier::Shift], "notify-send 'Hello world!'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_5, vec![Modifier::Control], "notify-send 'Hello world!'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Alt], "notify-send 'Hello world!'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_Z, vec![Modifier::Super], "notify-send 'Hello world!'".to_string(), ), ]; eval_config_test(contents, expected_hotkeys) } #[test] fn test_command_with_many_spaces() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " p xbacklight -inc 10 -fps 30 -time 200 "; let expected_keybinds = vec![Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_P, vec![], String::from("xbacklight -inc 10 -fps 30 -time 200"), )]; eval_config_test(contents, expected_keybinds) } #[test] fn test_invalid_keybinding() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " p xbacklight -inc 10 -fps 30 -time 200 pesto xterm "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 5)) } #[test] // keysyms not followed by command should be ignored fn test_no_command() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " k xbacklight -inc 10 -fps 30 -time 200 w "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_K, vec![], "xbacklight -inc 10 -fps 30 -time 200".to_string(), )], ) } #[test] fn test_real_config_snippet() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " # reloads sxhkd configuration: super + Escape pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd ; sxhkd & # Launch Terminal super + Return alacritty -t \"Terminal\" -e \"$HOME/.config/sxhkd/\" # terminal emulator (no tmux) super + shift + Return alacritty -t \"Terminal\" # terminal emulator (new tmux session) alt + Return alacritty -t \"Terminal\" -e \"tmux\" ctrl + 0 super + minus album "; let expected_result: Vec = vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_ESC, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from("pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd ; sxhkd &"), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from( "alacritty -t \"Terminal\" -e \"$HOME/.config/sxhkd/\"", ), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], String::from("alacritty -t \"Terminal\""), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER, vec![Modifier::Alt], String::from("alacritty -t \"Terminal\" -e \"tmux\""), ), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_0, vec![Modifier::Control], String::from("")), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_MINUS, vec![Modifier::Super], String::from(" album"), ), ]; eval_config_test(contents, expected_result) } #[test] fn test_multiline_command() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " k mpc ls | dmenu | \\ sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' "; let expected_keybind = Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_K, vec![], String::from("mpc ls | dmenu | sed -i 's/foo/bar/g'"), ); eval_config_test(contents, vec![expected_keybind]) } #[test] fn test_commented_out_keybind() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " #w gimp "; eval_config_test(contents, vec![]) } // TODO: Write these tests as needed. #[test] fn test_all_alphanumeric() -> std::io::Result<()> { let symbols: [&str; 36] = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ]; let keysyms: [evdev::Key; 36] = [ evdev::Key::KEY_A, evdev::Key::KEY_B, evdev::Key::KEY_C, evdev::Key::KEY_D, evdev::Key::KEY_E, evdev::Key::KEY_F, evdev::Key::KEY_G, evdev::Key::KEY_H, evdev::Key::KEY_I, evdev::Key::KEY_J, evdev::Key::KEY_K, evdev::Key::KEY_L, evdev::Key::KEY_M, evdev::Key::KEY_N, evdev::Key::KEY_O, evdev::Key::KEY_P, evdev::Key::KEY_Q, evdev::Key::KEY_R, evdev::Key::KEY_S, evdev::Key::KEY_T, evdev::Key::KEY_U, evdev::Key::KEY_V, evdev::Key::KEY_W, evdev::Key::KEY_X, evdev::Key::KEY_Y, evdev::Key::KEY_Z, evdev::Key::KEY_0, evdev::Key::KEY_1, evdev::Key::KEY_2, evdev::Key::KEY_3, evdev::Key::KEY_4, evdev::Key::KEY_5, evdev::Key::KEY_6, evdev::Key::KEY_7, evdev::Key::KEY_8, evdev::Key::KEY_9, ]; let mut contents = String::new(); for symbol in &symbols { contents.push_str(&format!("{}\n st\n", symbol)); } let contents = &contents; let expected_result: Vec = keysyms.iter().map(|keysym| Hotkey::new(*keysym, vec![], "st".to_string())).collect(); eval_config_test(contents, expected_result) } #[test] fn test_homerow_special_keys_top() -> std::io::Result<()> { let symbols: [&str; 7] = ["Escape", "BackSpace", "Return", "Tab", "minus", "equal", "grave"]; let keysyms: [evdev::Key; 7] = [ evdev::Key::KEY_ESC, evdev::Key::KEY_BACKSPACE, evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER, evdev::Key::KEY_TAB, evdev::Key::KEY_MINUS, evdev::Key::KEY_EQUAL, evdev::Key::KEY_GRAVE, ]; let mut contents = String::new(); for symbol in &symbols { contents.push_str(&format!("{}\n st\n", symbol)); } let contents = &contents; let expected_result: Vec = keysyms.iter().map(|keysym| Hotkey::new(*keysym, vec![], "st".to_string())).collect(); eval_config_test(contents, expected_result) } #[test] fn test_case_insensitive() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " Super + SHIFT + alt + a st ReTurn ts "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift, Modifier::Alt], "st".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER, vec![], "ts".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_duplicate_hotkeys() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + shift + a st shift + suPer + A ts b st B ts "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "ts".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![], "ts".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_inline_comment() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + a #comment and comment super st super + shift + b ts #this comment should be handled by shell " .to_string(); eval_config_test( &contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "st".to_string()), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "ts #this comment should be handled by shell".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_blank_config() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = ""; eval_config_test(contents, vec![]) } #[test] fn test_blank_config_with_whitespace() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " "; eval_config_test(contents, vec![]) } #[test] fn test_extract_curly_brace() -> std::io::Result<()> { let keybind_with_curly_brace = "super + {a,b,c}"; assert_eq!( extract_curly_brace(keybind_with_curly_brace), vec!["super + a", "super + b", "super + c",] ); let command_with_curly_brace = "bspc node -p {west,south,north,west}"; assert_eq!( extract_curly_brace(command_with_curly_brace), vec![ "bspc node -p west", "bspc node -p south", "bspc node -p north", "bspc node -p west", ] ); let wrong_format = "super + }a, b, c{"; assert_eq!(extract_curly_brace(wrong_format), vec![wrong_format]); let single_sym = "super + {a}"; assert_eq!(extract_curly_brace(single_sym), vec!["super + a"]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_curly_brace() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a,b,c} {firefox, brave, chrome}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "firefox".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], "brave".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super], "chrome".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_curly_brace_less_commands() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a,b,c} {firefox, brave}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "firefox".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], "brave".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_curly_brace_less_keysyms() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a, b} {firefox, brave, chrome}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "firefox".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], "brave".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_range_syntax() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {1-9,0} bspc desktop -f '{1-9,0}'"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '1'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '2'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_3, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '3'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_4, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '4'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_5, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '5'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_6, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '6'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_7, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '7'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_8, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '8'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_9, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '9'".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_0, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc desktop -f '0'".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_range_syntax_ascii_character() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a-c} {firefox, brave, chrome}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "firefox".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], "brave".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super], "chrome".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_range_syntax_not_ascii() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a-是} {firefox, brave} "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_range_syntax_invalid_range() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {bc-ad} {firefox, brave} "; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_ranger_syntax_not_full_range() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {a-} {firefox, brave}"; eval_invalid_config_test(contents, ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 2)) } #[test] fn test_none() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {_, shift} + b {firefox, brave}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super], "firefox".to_string()), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_B, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "brave".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_multiple_ranges() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {shift,alt} + {c,d} {librewolf, firefox} {--sync, --help} "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "librewolf --sync".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_D, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "librewolf --help".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_C, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Alt], "firefox --sync".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_D, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Alt], "firefox --help".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_multiple_ranges_numbers() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " {control,super} + {1-3} {notify-send, echo} {hello,how,are} "; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Control], "notify-send hello".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Control], "notify-send how".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_3, vec![Modifier::Control], "notify-send are".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super], "echo hello".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super], "echo how".to_string()), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_3, vec![Modifier::Super], "echo are".to_string()), ], ) } #[test] fn test_bspwm_multiple_curly_brace() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l} bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_H, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc node -f west".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_J, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc node -f south".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_K, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc node -f north".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_L, vec![Modifier::Super], "bspc node -f east".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_H, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "bspc node -s west".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_J, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "bspc node -s south".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_K, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "bspc node -s north".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_L, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "bspc node -s east".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_longer_multiple_curly_brace() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {_, ctrl +} {_, shift +} {1-2} riverctl {set, toggle}-{focused, view}-tags {1-2}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl set-focused-tags 1".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl set-focused-tags 2".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Control], "riverctl toggle-focused-tags 1".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Control], "riverctl toggle-focused-tags 2".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "riverctl set-view-tags 1".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Shift], "riverctl set-view-tags 2".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Control, Modifier::Shift], "riverctl toggle-view-tags 1".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super, Modifier::Control, Modifier::Shift], "riverctl toggle-view-tags 2".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_period_binding() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {comma, period} riverctl focus-output {previous, next}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_COMMA, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl focus-output previous".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_DOT, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl focus-output next".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_period_escape_binding() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + {\\,, .} riverctl focus-output {previous, next}"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_COMMA, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl focus-output previous".to_string(), ), Hotkey::new( evdev::Key::KEY_DOT, vec![Modifier::Super], "riverctl focus-output next".to_string(), ), ], ) } #[test] fn test_prefix() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + @1 1 super + ~2 2 super + ~@3 3 super + @~4 4"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![ Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_1, vec![Modifier::Super], "1".to_string()).on_release(), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_2, vec![Modifier::Super], "2".to_string()).send(), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_3, vec![Modifier::Super], "3".to_string()) .on_release() .send(), Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_4, vec![Modifier::Super], "4".to_string()) .on_release() .send(), ], ) } #[test] fn test_override() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " super + a 1 super + a 2"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Super], "2".to_string())], ) } #[test] fn test_any_modifier() -> std::io::Result<()> { let contents = " any + a 1"; eval_config_test( contents, vec![Hotkey::new(evdev::Key::KEY_A, vec![Modifier::Any], "1".to_string())], ) } } mod test_config_display { use crate::config::{Error, ParseError}; use std::io; use std::path::PathBuf; #[test] fn test_display_io_error() { let error = Error::Io(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof)); if !format!("{}", error).contains("unexpected end of file") { panic!("Error message was '{}", error); } } #[test] fn test_display_unknown_symbol_error() { let error = Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::UnknownSymbol(PathBuf::new(), 10)); assert_eq!( format!("{}", error), "Error parsing config file \"\". Unknown symbol at line 10." ); } #[test] fn test_display_invalid_modifier_error() { let error = Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::InvalidModifier(PathBuf::new(), 25)); assert_eq!( format!("{}", error), "Error parsing config file \"\". Invalid modifier at line 25." ); } #[test] fn test_invalid_keysm_error() { let error = Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::InvalidKeysym(PathBuf::new(), 7)); assert_eq!( format!("{}", error), "Error parsing config file \"\". Invalid keysym at line 7." ); } }