use itertools::Itertools; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::{ fmt, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { ConfigNotFound, Io(std::io::Error), InvalidConfig(ParseError), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ParseError { // u32 is the line number where an error occured UnknownSymbol(PathBuf, u32), InvalidModifier(PathBuf, u32), InvalidKeysym(PathBuf, u32), } impl From for Error { fn from(val: std::io::Error) -> Self { if val.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { Error::ConfigNotFound } else { Error::Io(val) } } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match &*self { Error::ConfigNotFound => "Config file not found.".fmt(f), Error::Io(io_err) => format!("I/O Error while parsing config file: {}", io_err).fmt(f), Error::InvalidConfig(parse_err) => match parse_err { ParseError::UnknownSymbol(path, line_nr) => format!( "Error parsing config file {:?}. Unknown symbol at line {}.", path, line_nr ) .fmt(f), ParseError::InvalidKeysym(path, line_nr) => format!( "Error parsing config file {:?}. Invalid keysym at line {}.", path, line_nr ) .fmt(f), ParseError::InvalidModifier(path, line_nr) => format!( "Error parsing config file {:?}. Invalid modifier at line {}.", path, line_nr ) .fmt(f), }, } } } pub const IMPORT_STATEMENT: &str = "include"; pub const UNBIND_STATEMENT: &str = "ignore"; pub const MODE_STATEMENT: &str = "mode"; pub const MODE_END_STATEMENT: &str = "endmode"; pub const MODE_ENTER_STATEMENT: &str = "@enter"; pub const MODE_ESCAPE_STATEMENT: &str = "@escape"; pub const ODILIA_SEND_STATEMENT: &str = "@odilia"; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct Config { pub path: PathBuf, pub contents: String, pub imports: Vec, } pub fn load_file_contents(path: &Path) -> Result { let mut file = File::open(path)?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; Ok(contents) } impl Config { pub fn get_imports(contents: &str) -> Result, Error> { let mut imports = Vec::new(); for line in contents.lines() { if line.split(' ').next().unwrap() == IMPORT_STATEMENT { if let Some(import_path) = line.split(' ').nth(1) { imports.push(Path::new(import_path).to_path_buf()); } } } Ok(imports) } pub fn new(path: &Path) -> Result { let contents = load_file_contents(path)?; let imports = Self::get_imports(&contents)?; Ok(Config { path: path.to_path_buf(), contents, imports }) } pub fn load_to_configs(&self) -> Result, Error> { let mut configs = Vec::new(); for import in &self.imports { configs.push(Self::new(import)?) } Ok(configs) } pub fn load_and_merge(config: Self) -> Result, Error> { let mut configs = vec![config]; let mut prev_count = 0; let mut current_count = configs.len(); while prev_count != current_count { prev_count = configs.len(); for config in configs.clone() { for import in Self::load_to_configs(&config)? { if !configs.contains(&import) { configs.push(import); } } } current_count = configs.len(); } Ok(configs) } } pub fn load(path: &Path) -> Result, Error> { let config_self = Config::new(path)?; let mut configs: Vec = Config::load_and_merge(config_self.clone())?; configs.remove(0); configs.push(config_self); let mut modes: Vec = vec![Mode::default()]; for config in configs { let mut output = parse_contents(path.to_path_buf(), config.contents)?; for hotkey in output[0].hotkeys.drain(..) { modes[0].hotkeys.retain(|hk| hk.keybinding != hotkey.keybinding); modes[0].hotkeys.push(hotkey); } for unbind in output[0].unbinds.drain(..) { modes[0].hotkeys.retain(|hk| hk.keybinding != unbind); } output.remove(0); for mut mode in output { mode.hotkeys.retain(|x| !mode.unbinds.contains(&x.keybinding)); modes.push(mode); } } Ok(modes) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct KeyBinding { pub keysym: Option, pub modifiers: Vec, pub send: bool, pub on_release: bool, } impl PartialEq for KeyBinding { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.keysym == other.keysym && self.modifiers.iter().all(|modifier| other.modifiers.contains(modifier)) && self.modifiers.len() == other.modifiers.len() && self.send == other.send && self.on_release == other.on_release } } pub trait Prefix { fn send(self) -> Self; fn on_release(self) -> Self; } pub trait Value { fn keysym(&self) -> Option; fn modifiers(&self) -> Vec; fn is_send(&self) -> bool; fn is_on_release(&self) -> bool; } impl KeyBinding { pub fn new(keysym: Option, modifiers: Vec) -> Self { KeyBinding { keysym, modifiers, send: false, on_release: false } } pub fn on_release(mut self) -> Self { self.on_release = true; self } } impl Prefix for KeyBinding { fn send(mut self) -> Self { self.send = true; self } fn on_release(mut self) -> Self { self.on_release = true; self } } impl Value for KeyBinding { fn keysym(&self) -> Option { self.keysym } fn modifiers(&self) -> Vec { self.clone().modifiers } fn is_send(&self) -> bool { self.send } fn is_on_release(&self) -> bool { self.on_release } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Hotkey { pub keybinding: KeyBinding, pub command: String, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash)] pub enum Modifier { Super, Alt, Control, Shift, CapsLock, Any, } impl Hotkey { pub fn from_keybinding(keybinding: KeyBinding, command: String) -> Self { Hotkey { keybinding, command } } #[cfg(test)] pub fn new(keysym: Option, modifiers: Vec, command: String) -> Self { Hotkey { keybinding: KeyBinding::new(keysym, modifiers), command } } } impl Prefix for Hotkey { fn send(mut self) -> Self { self.keybinding.send = true; self } fn on_release(mut self) -> Self { self.keybinding.on_release = true; self } } impl Value for &Hotkey { fn keysym(&self) -> Option { self.keybinding.keysym } fn modifiers(&self) -> Vec { self.keybinding.clone().modifiers } fn is_send(&self) -> bool { self.keybinding.send } fn is_on_release(&self) -> bool { self.keybinding.on_release } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Mode { pub name: String, pub hotkeys: Vec, pub unbinds: Vec, } impl Mode { pub fn new(name: String) -> Self { Mode { name, hotkeys: Vec::new(), unbinds: Vec::new() } } pub fn default() -> Self { Self::new("normal".to_string()) } } pub fn parse_contents(path: PathBuf, contents: String) -> Result, Error> { // Don't forget to update valid key list on the man page if you do change this list. let key_to_evdev_key: HashMap<&str, evdev::Key> = HashMap::from([ ("q", evdev::Key::KEY_Q), ("w", evdev::Key::KEY_W), ("e", evdev::Key::KEY_E), ("r", evdev::Key::KEY_R), ("t", evdev::Key::KEY_T), ("y", evdev::Key::KEY_Y), ("u", evdev::Key::KEY_U), ("i", evdev::Key::KEY_I), ("o", evdev::Key::KEY_O), ("p", evdev::Key::KEY_P), ("a", evdev::Key::KEY_A), ("s", evdev::Key::KEY_S), ("d", evdev::Key::KEY_D), ("f", evdev::Key::KEY_F), ("g", evdev::Key::KEY_G), ("h", evdev::Key::KEY_H), ("j", evdev::Key::KEY_J), ("k", evdev::Key::KEY_K), ("l", evdev::Key::KEY_L), ("z", evdev::Key::KEY_Z), ("x", evdev::Key::KEY_X), ("c", evdev::Key::KEY_C), ("v", evdev::Key::KEY_V), ("b", evdev::Key::KEY_B), ("n", evdev::Key::KEY_N), ("m", evdev::Key::KEY_M), ("1", evdev::Key::KEY_1), ("2", evdev::Key::KEY_2), ("3", evdev::Key::KEY_3), ("4", evdev::Key::KEY_4), ("5", evdev::Key::KEY_5), ("6", evdev::Key::KEY_6), ("7", evdev::Key::KEY_7), ("8", evdev::Key::KEY_8), ("9", evdev::Key::KEY_9), ("0", evdev::Key::KEY_0), ("escape", evdev::Key::KEY_ESC), ("backspace", evdev::Key::KEY_BACKSPACE), //("capslock", evdev::Key::KEY_CAPSLOCK), ("return", evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER), ("enter", evdev::Key::KEY_ENTER), ("tab", evdev::Key::KEY_TAB), ("space", evdev::Key::KEY_SPACE), ("plus", evdev::Key::KEY_KPPLUS), // Shouldn't this be kpplus? ("kp0", evdev::Key::KEY_KP0), ("kp1", evdev::Key::KEY_KP1), ("kp2", evdev::Key::KEY_KP2), ("kp3", evdev::Key::KEY_KP3), ("kp4", evdev::Key::KEY_KP4), ("kp5", evdev::Key::KEY_KP5), ("kp6", evdev::Key::KEY_KP6), ("kp7", evdev::Key::KEY_KP7), ("kp8", evdev::Key::KEY_KP8), ("kp9", evdev::Key::KEY_KP9), ("kpasterisk", evdev::Key::KEY_KPASTERISK), ("kpcomma", evdev::Key::KEY_KPCOMMA), ("kpdot", evdev::Key::KEY_KPDOT), ("kpenter", evdev::Key::KEY_KPENTER), ("kpequal", evdev::Key::KEY_KPEQUAL), ("kpjpcomma", evdev::Key::KEY_KPJPCOMMA), ("kpleftparen", evdev::Key::KEY_KPLEFTPAREN), ("kpminus", evdev::Key::KEY_KPMINUS), ("kpplusminus", evdev::Key::KEY_KPPLUSMINUS), ("kprightparen", evdev::Key::KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN), ("minus", evdev::Key::KEY_MINUS), ("-", evdev::Key::KEY_MINUS), ("equal", evdev::Key::KEY_EQUAL), ("=", evdev::Key::KEY_EQUAL), ("grave", evdev::Key::KEY_GRAVE), ("`", evdev::Key::KEY_GRAVE), ("print", evdev::Key::KEY_SYSRQ), ("volumeup", evdev::Key::KEY_VOLUMEUP), ("xf86audioraisevolume", evdev::Key::KEY_VOLUMEUP), ("volumedown", evdev::Key::KEY_VOLUMEDOWN), ("xf86audiolowervolume", evdev::Key::KEY_VOLUMEDOWN), ("mute", evdev::Key::KEY_MUTE), ("xf86audiomute", evdev::Key::KEY_MUTE), ("brightnessup", evdev::Key::KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP), ("xf86monbrightnessup", evdev::Key::KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP), ("brightnessdown", evdev::Key::KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN), ("xf86audiomedia", evdev::Key::KEY_MEDIA), ("xf86audiomicmute", evdev::Key::KEY_MICMUTE), ("micmute", evdev::Key::KEY_MICMUTE), ("xf86audionext", evdev::Key::KEY_NEXTSONG), ("xf86audioplay", evdev::Key::KEY_PLAYPAUSE), ("xf86audioprev", evdev::Key::KEY_PREVIOUSSONG), ("xf86audiostop", evdev::Key::KEY_STOP), ("xf86monbrightnessdown", evdev::Key::KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN), (",", evdev::Key::KEY_COMMA), ("comma", evdev::Key::KEY_COMMA), (".", evdev::Key::KEY_DOT), ("dot", evdev::Key::KEY_DOT), ("period", evdev::Key::KEY_DOT), ("/", evdev::Key::KEY_SLASH), ("question", evdev::Key::KEY_QUESTION), ("slash", evdev::Key::KEY_SLASH), ("backslash", evdev::Key::KEY_BACKSLASH), ("leftbrace", evdev::Key::KEY_LEFTBRACE), ("[", evdev::Key::KEY_LEFTBRACE), ("bracketleft", evdev::Key::KEY_LEFTBRACE), ("rightbrace", evdev::Key::KEY_RIGHTBRACE), ("]", evdev::Key::KEY_RIGHTBRACE), ("bracketright", evdev::Key::KEY_RIGHTBRACE), (";", evdev::Key::KEY_SEMICOLON), ("scroll_lock", evdev::Key::KEY_SCROLLLOCK), ("semicolon", evdev::Key::KEY_SEMICOLON), ("'", evdev::Key::KEY_APOSTROPHE), ("apostrophe", evdev::Key::KEY_APOSTROPHE), ("left", evdev::Key::KEY_LEFT), ("right", evdev::Key::KEY_RIGHT), ("up", evdev::Key::KEY_UP), ("down", evdev::Key::KEY_DOWN), ("pause", evdev::Key::KEY_PAUSE), ("home", evdev::Key::KEY_HOME), ("delete", evdev::Key::KEY_DELETE), ("insert", evdev::Key::KEY_INSERT), ("end", evdev::Key::KEY_END), ("pause", evdev::Key::KEY_PAUSE), ("prior", evdev::Key::KEY_PAGEDOWN), ("next", evdev::Key::KEY_PAGEUP), ("pagedown", evdev::Key::KEY_PAGEDOWN), ("pageup", evdev::Key::KEY_PAGEUP), ("f1", evdev::Key::KEY_F1), ("f2", evdev::Key::KEY_F2), ("f3", evdev::Key::KEY_F3), ("f4", evdev::Key::KEY_F4), ("f5", evdev::Key::KEY_F5), ("f6", evdev::Key::KEY_F6), ("f7", evdev::Key::KEY_F7), ("f8", evdev::Key::KEY_F8), ("f9", evdev::Key::KEY_F9), ("f10", evdev::Key::KEY_F10), ("f11", evdev::Key::KEY_F11), ("f12", evdev::Key::KEY_F12), ("f13", evdev::Key::KEY_F13), ("f14", evdev::Key::KEY_F14), ("f15", evdev::Key::KEY_F15), ("f16", evdev::Key::KEY_F16), ("f17", evdev::Key::KEY_F17), ("f18", evdev::Key::KEY_F18), ("f19", evdev::Key::KEY_F19), ("f20", evdev::Key::KEY_F20), ("f21", evdev::Key::KEY_F21), ("f22", evdev::Key::KEY_F22), ("f23", evdev::Key::KEY_F23), ("f24", evdev::Key::KEY_F24), ]); // Don't forget to update modifier list on the man page if you do change this list. let mod_to_mod_enum: HashMap<&str, Modifier> = HashMap::from([ ("ctrl", Modifier::Control), ("control", Modifier::Control), ("super", Modifier::Super), ("mod4", Modifier::Super), ("alt", Modifier::Alt), ("mod1", Modifier::Alt), ("shift", Modifier::Shift), ("capslock", Modifier::CapsLock), ("any", Modifier::Any), ]); let lines: Vec<&str> = contents.split('\n').collect(); let mut modes: Vec = vec![Mode::default()]; let mut current_mode: usize = 0; // Go through each line, ignore comments and empty lines, mark lines starting with whitespace // as commands, and mark the other lines as keysyms. Mark means storing a line's type and the // line number in a vector. let mut lines_with_types: Vec<(&str, u32)> = Vec::new(); for (line_number, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() { if line.trim().starts_with('#') || line.split(' ').next().unwrap() == IMPORT_STATEMENT || line.trim().is_empty() { continue; } if line.starts_with(' ') || line.starts_with('\t') { lines_with_types.push(("command", line_number as u32)); } else if line.starts_with(UNBIND_STATEMENT) { lines_with_types.push(("unbind", line_number as u32)); } else if line.starts_with(MODE_STATEMENT) { lines_with_types.push(("modestart", line_number as u32)); } else if line.starts_with(MODE_END_STATEMENT) { lines_with_types.push(("modeend", line_number as u32)); } else { lines_with_types.push(("keysym", line_number as u32)); } } // Edge case: return a blank vector if no lines detected if lines_with_types.is_empty() { return Ok(modes); } let mut actual_lines: Vec<(&str, u32, String)> = Vec::new(); if contents.contains('\\') { // Go through lines_with_types, and add the next line over and over until the current line no // longer ends with backslash. (Only if the lines have the same type) let mut current_line_type = lines_with_types[0].0; let mut current_line_number = lines_with_types[0].1; let mut current_line_string = String::new(); let mut continue_backslash; for (line_type, line_number) in lines_with_types { if line_type != current_line_type { current_line_type = line_type; current_line_number = line_number; current_line_string = String::new(); } let line_to_add = lines[line_number as usize].trim(); continue_backslash = line_to_add.ends_with('\\'); let line_to_add = line_to_add.strip_suffix('\\').unwrap_or(line_to_add); current_line_string.push_str(line_to_add); if !continue_backslash { actual_lines.push((current_line_type, current_line_number, current_line_string)); current_line_type = line_type; current_line_number = line_number; current_line_string = String::new(); } } } else { for (line_type, line_number) in lines_with_types { actual_lines.push(( line_type, line_number, lines[line_number as usize].trim().to_string(), )); } } drop(lines); for (i, item) in actual_lines.iter().enumerate() { let line_type = item.0; let line_number = item.1; let line = &item.2; if line_type == "unbind" { let to_unbind = line.trim_start_matches(UNBIND_STATEMENT).trim(); modes[current_mode].unbinds.push(parse_keybind( path.clone(), to_unbind, line_number + 1, &key_to_evdev_key, &mod_to_mod_enum, )?); } if line_type == "modestart" { let modename = line.split(' ').nth(1).unwrap(); modes.push(Mode::new(modename.to_string())); current_mode = modes.len() - 1; } if line_type == "modeend" { current_mode = 0; } if line_type != "keysym" { continue; } let next_line = actual_lines.get(i + 1); if next_line.is_none() { break; } let next_line = next_line.unwrap(); if next_line.0 != "command" { continue; // this should ignore keysyms that are not followed by a command } let extracted_keys = extract_curly_brace(line); let extracted_commands = extract_curly_brace(&next_line.2); for (key, command) in extracted_keys.iter().zip(extracted_commands.iter()) { let keybinding = parse_keybind( path.clone(), key, line_number + 1, &key_to_evdev_key, &mod_to_mod_enum, )?; let hotkey = Hotkey::from_keybinding(keybinding, command.to_string()); // Override latter modes[current_mode].hotkeys.retain(|h| h.keybinding != hotkey.keybinding); modes[current_mode].hotkeys.push(hotkey); } } Ok(modes) } // We need to get the reference to key_to_evdev_key // and mod_to_mod enum instead of recreating them // after each function call because it's too expensive fn parse_keybind( path: PathBuf, line: &str, line_nr: u32, key_to_evdev_key: &HashMap<&str, evdev::Key>, mod_to_mod_enum: &HashMap<&str, Modifier>, ) -> Result { let line = line.split('#').next().unwrap(); let tokens: Vec = line.split('+').map(|s| s.trim().to_lowercase()).filter(|s| s != "_").collect(); let mut tokens_new = Vec::new(); for mut token in tokens { while token.trim().starts_with('_') { token = token.trim().strip_prefix('_').unwrap().to_string(); } tokens_new.push(token.trim().to_string()); } let last_token = tokens_new.last().unwrap().trim(); // Check if last_token is prefixed with @ or ~ or even both. // If prefixed @, on_release = true; if prefixed ~, send = true let send = last_token.starts_with('~') || last_token.starts_with("@~"); let on_release = last_token.starts_with('@') || last_token.starts_with("~@"); // Delete the @ and ~ in the last token fn strip_at(token: &str) -> &str { if token.starts_with('@') { let token = token.strip_prefix('@').unwrap(); strip_tilde(token) } else if token.starts_with('~') { strip_tilde(token) } else { token } } fn strip_tilde(token: &str) -> &str { if token.starts_with('~') { let token = token.strip_prefix('~').unwrap(); strip_at(token) } else if token.starts_with('@') { strip_at(token) } else { token } } let last_token = strip_at(last_token); // Check if each token is valid for token in &tokens_new { let token = strip_at(token); if key_to_evdev_key.contains_key(token) { // Can't have a keysym that's like a modifier if token != last_token { return Err(Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::InvalidModifier(path, line_nr))); } } else if mod_to_mod_enum.contains_key(token) { // Can't have a modifier that's like a keysym /*if token == last_token { return Err(Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::InvalidKeysym(path, line_nr))); }*/ } else { return Err(Error::InvalidConfig(ParseError::UnknownSymbol(path, line_nr))); } } // Translate keypress into evdev key let keysym = match key_to_evdev_key.get(last_token) { Some(k) => Some(*k), _ => None }; let modifiers: Vec = tokens_new .iter() .filter_map(|token| match mod_to_mod_enum.get(token.as_str()) { Some(m) => Some(*m), _ => None, }) .collect(); let mut keybinding = KeyBinding::new(keysym, modifiers); if send { keybinding = keybinding.send(); } if on_release { keybinding = keybinding.on_release(); } Ok(keybinding) } pub fn extract_curly_brace(line: &str) -> Vec { if !line.contains('{') || !line.contains('}') || !line.is_ascii() { return vec![line.to_string()]; } // go through each character in the line and mark the position of each { and } // if a { is not followed by a }, return the line as is let mut brace_positions: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut flag = false; for (i, c) in line.chars().enumerate() { if c == '{' { if flag { return vec![line.to_string()]; } brace_positions.push(i); flag = true; } else if c == '}' { if !flag { return vec![line.to_string()]; } brace_positions.push(i); flag = false; } } // now we have a list of positions of { and } // we should extract the items between each pair of braces and store them in a vector let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut remaining_line: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut start_index = 0; for i in brace_positions.chunks(2) { items.push(line[i[0] + 1..i[1]].to_string()); remaining_line.push(line[start_index..i[0]].to_string()); start_index = i[1] + 1; } // now we have a list of items between each pair of braces // we should extract the items between each comma and store them in a vector let mut tokens_vec: Vec> = Vec::new(); for item in items { // Edge case: escape periods // example: // ``` // super + {\,, .} // riverctl focus-output {previous, next} // ``` let item = item.replace("\\,", "comma"); let items: Vec = item.split(',').map(|s| s.trim().to_string()).collect(); tokens_vec.push(handle_ranges(items)); } fn handle_ranges(items: Vec) -> Vec { let mut output: Vec = Vec::new(); for item in items { if !item.contains('-') { output.push(item); continue; } let mut range = item.split('-').map(|s| s.trim()); let begin_char: &str = if let Some(b) = { b } else { output.push(item); continue; }; let end_char: &str = if let Some(e) = { e } else { output.push(item); continue; }; // Do not accept range values that are longer than one char // Example invalid: {ef-p} {3-56} // Beginning of the range cannot be greater than end // Example invalid: {9-4} {3-2} if begin_char.len() != 1 || end_char.len() != 1 || begin_char > end_char { output.push(item); continue; } // In sohkd we will parse the full range using ASCII values. let begin_ascii_val = begin_char.parse::().unwrap() as u8; let end_ascii_val = end_char.parse::().unwrap() as u8; for ascii_number in begin_ascii_val..=end_ascii_val { output.push((ascii_number as char).to_string()); } } output } // now write the tokens back to the line and output a vector let mut output: Vec = Vec::new(); // generate a cartesian product iterator for all the vectors in tokens_vec let cartesian_product_iter = tokens_vec.iter().multi_cartesian_product(); for tokens in cartesian_product_iter.collect_vec() { let mut line_to_push = String::new(); for i in 0..remaining_line.len() { line_to_push.push_str(&remaining_line[i]); line_to_push.push_str(tokens[i]); } if brace_positions[brace_positions.len() - 1] < line.len() - 1 { line_to_push.push_str(&line[brace_positions[brace_positions.len() - 1] + 1..]); } output.push(line_to_push); } output }