refactor(config): refactor curly brace finding

Remove a lot of unnecessary mutable variables to find
the curly braces. Instead, use a bit of functional programming
to achieve the algorithm.
Angelo Fallaria 2 years ago
parent 343e5c74da
commit 6f18996445

@ -97,25 +97,26 @@ fn extract_curly_brace(line: &str) -> Vec<String> {
if !line.is_ascii() {
return vec![line.to_string()];
let mut before_curly_brace = String::new();
let mut after_curly_brace = String::new();
let mut start: usize = usize::MAX;
let mut end: usize = usize::MAX;
let mut output: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for (i, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
if c == '{' {
before_curly_brace = line[..i].to_string();
start = i;
if c == '}' {
after_curly_brace = line[i + 1..].to_string();
end = i;
let index_open_brace = line.chars().position(|c| c == '{');
let index_close_brace = line.chars().position(|c| c == '}');
if index_open_brace.is_none() || index_close_brace.is_none() {
return vec![line.to_string()];
let start = index_open_brace.unwrap();
let end = index_close_brace.unwrap();
// There are no expansions to build if } is earlier than {
if start >= end {
return vec![line.to_string()];
let before_curly_brace = line[..start].to_string();
let after_curly_brace = line[end + 1..].to_string();
for item in line[start + 1..end].split(',') {
let mut direct_output = || {
output.push(format!("{}{}{}", before_curly_brace, item.trim(), after_curly_brace));
