You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
3.4 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "morse.h"
int tests_run = 0;
int tests_passed = 0;
int tests_failed = 0;
const char* FAIL = "FAIL";
const char* PASS = "PASS";
const char* EQ = "==";
const char* NEQ = "!=";
const char* PASS_FORMAT = "[%s]: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n";
const char* FAIL_FORMAT = "[%s]: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n";
void assert_str_eq(const char* s1, const char* s2){
if (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0){
printf(PASS_FORMAT, PASS, s1, EQ, s2);
} else {
printf(PASS_FORMAT, FAIL, s1, NEQ, s2);
void assert_str_neq(const char* s1, const char* s2){
if (strcmp(s1, s2) != 0){
printf(PASS_FORMAT, PASS, s1, NEQ, s2);
} else {
printf(PASS_FORMAT, FAIL, s1, EQ, s2);
void assert_ctm(char input, char* output){
const char* result = char_to_morse(input);
assert_str_eq(result, output);
void assert_stm(char* input, char* output){
char result[strlen(input)*8];
// fill with blanks in case of previous data
// strcpy(result, "");
strcpy(result, string_to_morse(input));
assert_str_eq(result, output);
void test_tests(){
assert_str_eq(".", ".");
assert_str_neq("+", "-");
void test_to_morse(){
assert_ctm('a', ".-");
assert_ctm('A', ".-");
assert_ctm('b', "-...");
assert_ctm('B', "-...");
assert_ctm('c', "-.-.");
assert_ctm('C', "-.-.");
assert_ctm('d', "-..");
assert_ctm('D', "-..");
assert_ctm('e', ".");
assert_ctm('E', ".");
assert_ctm('f', "..-.");
assert_ctm('F', "..-.");
assert_ctm('g', "--.");
assert_ctm('G', "--.");
assert_ctm('h', "....");
assert_ctm('H', "....");
assert_ctm('i', "..");
assert_ctm('I', "..");
assert_ctm('j', ".---");
assert_ctm('J', ".---");
assert_ctm('k', "-.-");
assert_ctm('K', "-.-");
assert_ctm('l', ".-..");
assert_ctm('L', ".-..");
assert_ctm('m', "--");
assert_ctm('M', "--");
assert_ctm('n', "-.");
assert_ctm('N', "-.");
assert_ctm('o', "---");
assert_ctm('O', "---");
assert_ctm('p', ".--.");
assert_ctm('P', ".--.");
assert_ctm('q', "--.-");
assert_ctm('Q', "--.-");
assert_ctm('r', ".-.");
assert_ctm('R', ".-.");
assert_ctm('s', "...");
assert_ctm('S', "...");
assert_ctm('t', "-");
assert_ctm('T', "-");
assert_ctm('u', "..-");
assert_ctm('U', "..-");
assert_ctm('v', "...-");
assert_ctm('V', "...-");
assert_ctm('w', ".--");
assert_ctm('W', ".--");
assert_ctm('x', "-..-");
assert_ctm('X', "-..-");
assert_ctm('y', "-.--");
assert_ctm('Y', "-.--");
assert_ctm('z', "--..");
assert_ctm('Z', "--..");
void test_string_to_morse(){
assert_stm("Wee!", ".-- . . . -.-.--");
assert_stm("Hello", ".... . .-. .-. ---");
assert_stm("world", ".-- --- .-. .-.. -..");
assert_stm("Hello world!", ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--");
assert_stm("I! HATE! YOU!", ".. -.-.-- / .... .- - . -.-.-- / -.-- --- ..- -.-.--");
void all_tests(){
printf("test_tests tests complete!\n");
printf("char_to_morse tests complete!\n");
printf("string_to_morse tests complete!\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (tests_run == tests_passed){
printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n");
printf("Tests run: %d\n", tests_run);
printf("Tests passed: %d\n", tests_passed);
printf("Tests failed: %d\n", tests_failed);
return 0;