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# Morse Code in C
### Options:
5 years ago
`--verbose` or `-v` will add the letter bring printed before the morse code (e.g. (C)-.-.)
`--reverse` or `-x` will run this in reverse. Taking morse code and converting it to uppercase letters. (slow and verboce are not usable with this option).
5 years ago
You can pipe data in to be morse codeified
### Tests:
`./morse < gettysburg.txt` should let you know if something went wrong.
5 years ago
It's quite a long passage in terms of what this program is meant to do, so if that woks, basically anything will.
## Behvaiour:
If any letters/numbers/symbols are not from the range [A-Za-z0-9] it simply will be ignored.
Only approved characters are dealt with.
### Install:
`make install`
Only installs in ~/.local/bin/
If this directory does not exist, I don't know what happens.
`make unisntall`
will remove the morse file at ~/.local/bin/morse