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use ureq;
use crate::success;
use crate::external;
use crate::types::{
use serde_json;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_with::{
use uuid;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Defines a VM (used for requests using the VM section)
pub struct VirtualMachine {
/// the UUID of the VM
vm_id: uuid::Uuid, // should be UUIDv4
/// the name of the VM set by the user
name: String, // the name set by the user
/// The plan ID, cross-reference with /plan/list/
plan_id: i32, // should be more strict
/// The hostname set by the user
hostname: String, // the hostname set by the user
/// The primary (public) IP address of the VM.
primary_ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// The private IP address of the VM.
private_ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// RAM of the VM in GB
ram: i32, // in GB, may need to be a float
/// The number of virtual CPU cores
vcpu: i32, // CPU cores
/// The storage amount of the VM in GB
storage: i32, // in GB
/// bandwidth in GB/month
bandwidth: i32, // in GB/month
/// The region where the VM is located
region: LNRegion, // could be more strict
/// The status, which should be more strict than a String.
os_status: String, // should be nmore strict
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VMListResponse {
vms: Vec<VirtualMachine>,
success: bool, // should be more strict "yes" or "no" as optiobs
impl ToString for VMListResponse {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
impl LunaNodeResponse for VMListResponse {}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VMInfoExtra {
/// bandwidth allowed over a month in GB
bandwidth: i32,
/// the hostname set by the user
hostname: String, // sufficiently vague
/// the name set by the user
name: String, // sufficiently vague
/// the status of the operating system; possible values: "active", ... TODO
os_status: String, // should be stricter
/// id of the plan being used on the VM
plan_id: i32,
/// primary (floating) IP
primary_ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// the private (non-floating) IP to connect between nodes
private_ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// RAM meassured in MB
ram: i32,
/// the datacentre location the VM is running in
region: LNRegion,
/// the storage size of the VM in GB
storage: i32,
/// number of virtual CPU cores allocated to the VM
vcpu: i32,
/// UUIDv4 of the VM
vm_id: uuid::Uuid,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
/// A generic IP address type, with two variants: V4, and V6. This is used for generic types returned from the API. For example, a list of IP addresses without the IP type specified.
pub enum IPAddress {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum IPAddressType {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VMAddress {
addr: IPAddress,
external: bool,
version: IPAddressType,
/// The reverse DNS assigned to the VM. This is optional.
rdns: Option<String>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VMInfo {
additional_ip: Vec<VMAddress>,
additional_private_ip: Vec<VMAddress>,
addresses: Vec<VMAddress>,
/// a possibly empty string containing an error message
error_detail: Option<String>,
/// some unkown string that doesn't seem to be a UUID... maybe the checksum?
host_id: String,
/// the name of the VM set at creation by the user
hostname: String,
/// the name of the image being used by the VM
image: String,
/// the primary, external IP of the VM
ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// a list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the VM
ipv6: Vec<std::net::Ipv6Addr>,
/// Login details from the VM; this could potentially be a bit more strict to support the storing of username and password separately.
/// Also, it's optional. The server may not even report this value at all, not only give a blank one. Fair enough. Seems more secure.
login_details: Option<String>,
/// the operating system (orignal image used to load the machine)
os: String, // sufficiently vague
/// the primary private IP assigned to the machine
private_ip: std::net::Ipv4Addr,
/// security groups by id that the VM belongs to; should be a vec of i32, but it might take some custom implementations
security_group_ids: Vec<String>,
/// security groups by name that the VM belongs to
security_groups: Vec<String>,
/// why is there a second one of these with a different name. This is stupid.
security_groups2: Vec<String>,
/// an HTML status of the machine
status: String,
/// the color of the status; this could be stricter
status_color: String, // could be more strict
/// the non-HTML status, this could potentially be more strict
status_nohtml: String,
/// A raw status-code string; this could for sure be more strict.
status_raw: String,
/// A possibly empty string, idk what task_state is tho
task_state: String, // a possibly empty string
/// A possibly empty string of attached volumes.
volumes: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct VMInfoResponse {
extra: VMInfoExtra,
info: VMInfo,
success: bool,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum LNPlanCategory {
#[serde(rename="General Purpose")]
#[serde(rename="SSD-Cached High-Memory")]
#[serde(rename="SSD-Cached Standard")]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum LNRegion {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct LNPlan {
all_regions: i32, // may need to be more strict?
bandwidth: i32, // in Mbps
category: LNPlanCategory,
cpu_points: f32, // no idea what this meas
name: String, // plan name, this could potentially be strictly typed as the types of plans don't often change "s.half", "s.1", "m.1", "m.2", etc.
plan_id: i32, // can be strictly typed, if needed
price: f32, // up to 7 decmial points (f32), and this is the number of US dollars per hour
price_monthly_nice: String, // instead of calculating it on your own, this provides a nice reading of the price for clients
price_nice: String, // same as above, but for the hour
ram: i32, // in MB
regions: Vec<LNRegion>, // list of regions by name
regions_nice: String, // list of regions concatonated with commans
storage: i32, // per GB
vcpu: i32, // number of vCPU cores
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct PlanListResponse {
plans: Vec<LNPlan>,
success: bool, // should be more strict: "yes" or "no" as options
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct LNImage {
image_id: i32, // id of the image
name: String, // set by the user or LunaNode
region: LNRegion,
status: String, // should be stricter, at least "active", "inactive"(?)
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct LNImageDetails {
cache_mode: String, // should be stricter, at least "writeback",
checksum: String, // should be stricter, to check of checksum type
disk_format: String, // should be stricter, at least "iso"
hw_disk_bus: String, // should be stricter, at least "ide",
hw_video_model: String, // could, in theory, be stricter, at least: "cirrus",
hw_vif_model: String, // appropriately vague
is_read_only: bool, // "yes"/"no"
libvrt_cpu_mode: String, // should be stricter, at least: "host-model",
metadata: Vec<()>, // vec of what?
name: String, // sufficiently vague
region: LNRegion, // sufficiently typed
size: i32, // in MB, maybe?
status: String, // should be stricter, at least: "active",
time_created: String, // should be a datetime
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct LNImageDetailResponse {
success: bool,
details: LNImageDetails,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct LNImageListResponse {
images: Vec<LNImage>,
success: bool,
impl LunaNodeResponse for LNImageListResponse {}
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct BillingCreditResponse {
/// Money left in the account in USD
credit: f32,
success: bool, // this should be stricter
impl LunaNodeResponse for BillingCreditResponse {}