You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
767 B

<label for="statusbox">
<div id="statusbox" contenteditable="false" spellcheck="false" aria-multiline="true" aria-live="polite">
<label for="logbox">
<h2>Game Log:</h2>
<div id="logbox" contenteditable="false" spellcheck="false" aria-multiline="true">
const LOG_BOX = document.getElementById("logbox")
const STATUS_BOX = document.getElementById("statusbox");
const write_message = (mess) => {
LOG_BOX.innerHTML += mess + "<br>";
LOG_BOX.scrollTop = STATUS_BOX.scrollHeight;
STATUS_BOX.innerHTML = mess;
const clear_statusbox = () => {
LOG_BOX.innerHTML = '';
STATUS_BOX.innerHTML = mess;
write_message('<i>Status Cleared</i>');