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Some measures of intelligibility and comprehension
capabilities to process unrestricted text must be traced, at least in part, to the exist-
ence of an explicit model of the underlying linguistic structure that is common to
both text and speech and to the rule systems relating the two domains.
In summary, the results of our evaluation tests designed to measure phoneme
intelligibility, word recognition and comprehension of synthetic speech produced
by the MIT text-to-speech system have demonstrated good to excellent perfor-
mance on a wide range of materials. No major problems were uncovered in the
design of the system nor were any serious errors identified in any of the com-
ponent modules of the system to date. The present results, although preliminary,
support the general conclusion that very high-quality synthetic speech can be
produced automatically from unrestricted English text and that such a system could
be implemented in an applied setting in the very near future.