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From text to speech: The MITalk system
8.3.3 Morpheme boundary problems
The morpheme boundary symbol * is used in the synthesis rules to prevent words
like back*ache from having a strongly aspirated medial kx. However, in a word
such as applic*ation, a restructuring of syllable boundaries is desirable so that the
medial Kx is strongly aspirated. In the present rule system it is not, since the * is
in the way. Perhaps the morpheme boundary symbol should be deleted between a
root and bound suffix (but not between two root morphemes). In other related
cases, the boundary prevents desired resyllabification processes so that
automatic*al*ly comes out as a six-syllable word, rather than the more normal 20
DX - AX - MM 'AE DX - IH - KK LL IY.
8.3.4 Syntactic “errors”
There are a rather large number of syntactic "errors” involving the incorrect assign-
ment of phrase and clause boundary locations. There are seven examples of a
missing end-of-phrase )N symbol, one missing end-of-clause )c symbol, and 17
cases where an end-of-clause symbol was incorrectly inserted between words with
the intent to break up longer phrasal units. This had undesirable perceptual im-
plications. The current algorithm intentionally adds extra clause boundary sym-
bols in order to break up the synthesis into smaller groups of words set off by
pauses and intonation breaks. These extra pauses were added because the com-
puter seemed to be able to go for long stretches without “pausing for breath”. The
trade-off between adding breath pauses to break the speech up into fewer process-
ing chunks versus insertion of a break at a syntactically unacceptable place has yet
to be optimized.
8.3.5 Summary
Of the analysis errors that were encountered in this admittedly difficult passage,
most of the phonetic, stress, and phonological rule errors are easily correctable.
However, only a few of the syntax errors can be fixed by straightforward debug-
ging techniques. The most serious limitation of text-to-speech analysis routines
seems to be in the area of automatic syntactic analysis. Still, the intelligibility and
comprehension results to be presented in Chapter 13 indicate very encouraging
overall system performance.
8.4 Stress rules
The phonological component assigns a feature Stress (value = 0 or 1) to each
phonetic segment in the output string. The default value is O (unstressed). Vowels
preceded by a stress symbol (°, ", or !) in the input are assigned a value of 1. Con-
sonants preceding a stressed vowel are also assigned a value of 1 if they are in the
same morpheme and if they form an acceptable word-initial consonant cluster.