#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include "catch.hpp" #include "test_boards.h" #include #include // For some retarted reason, I need to implement the printing of pairs, otherwise in the test outputs they show up as {?} // Also override default printing for Positions so it prints the value (e.g. 32), then, in parenthasies, the location (e.g. A4). // Example: A4(32) namespace Catch { template<> struct StringMaker> { static std::string convert(std::pair const& p){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "{ " << p.first << ", " << p.second << " }"; return ss.str(); } }; template<> struct StringMaker { static std::string convert(Position const& p){ std::stringstream ss; ss << (int) p << "(" << POSITION_STRING[p] << ")"; return ss.str(); } }; // This prints all board comparisons in a readable fashion. Using the string name of the pieces, and newlines to seperate them. template<> struct StringMaker> { static std::string convert(std::array const& board){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "{" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i){ for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j){ int index = (i*8)+j; ss << CHESS_CHARS[board[index]] << ", "; } ss << std::endl; } ss << "}" << std::endl; return ss.str(); } }; // This overrides vectors of positions. I want it to print a board with the positions that are selected so we can see a representation of what positions are selected. template<> struct StringMaker> { static std::string convert(std::vector const& poss){ std::stringstream ss; std::string files = " A B C D E F G H"; ss << "{ {" << std::endl; ss << files << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i){ ss << 8-i << "|"; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j){ int index = (i*8)+j; // This part loops through all positions in the list and checks if it contains the current index. bool part_of_poss = false; for (Position p : poss){ if (index == p) { part_of_poss = true; break; } } // Justin, this is how this oporator works. // (if) part_of_poss ?(then) do this :(else) do that. part_of_poss ? ss << "* " : ss << " "; } ss << "|" << 8-i; ss << std::endl; } ss << files << std::endl; ss << "}" << std::endl; ss << "," << std::endl; ss << "{ "; for (int pi = 0; pi < poss.size(); ++pi){ pi == poss.size()-1 ? ss << poss[pi] << "(" << POSITION_STRING[poss[pi]] << ")" : ss << poss[pi] << "(" << POSITION_STRING[poss[pi]] << "), "; } ss << " } }" << std::endl; return ss.str(); } }; } const std::array TEST_MOVES = { W_QUEEN, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, B_KNIGHT }; const std::array DUMB_MOVE_1 = { B_ROOK, B_KNIGHT, B_BISHOP, B_QUEEN, B_KING, B_BISHOP, B_KNIGHT, B_ROOK, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, B_PAWN, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, W_PAWN, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, W_PAWN, NONE, W_PAWN, W_PAWN, W_PAWN, W_PAWN, W_PAWN, W_PAWN, W_ROOK, W_KNIGHT, W_BISHOP, W_QUEEN, W_KING, W_BISHOP, W_KNIGHT, W_ROOK }; TEST_CASE("Test that dumb moves can be made.", "[dumb_move]"){ CHECK(dumb_move(Position::B2, Position::B5, DEFAULT_BOARD) == DUMB_MOVE_1); } TEST_CASE("Test convert method to go from X and Y to board position", "[pair_to_pos]"){ CHECK(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(2, 3)) == Position::C4); CHECK(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(7, 0)) == Position::H1); CHECK(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(0, 0)) == Position::A1); CHECK(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(7, 7)) == Position::H8); CHECK_THROWS(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(8, 2))); CHECK_THROWS(pair_to_pos(std::make_pair(-1, 1))); } TEST_CASE("Test convert method to go from a board position to an x and y", "[pos_to_pair]"){ CHECK(pos_to_pair(Position::A3) == std::make_pair(0, 2)); CHECK(pos_to_pair(Position::A4) == std::make_pair(0, 3)); CHECK(pos_to_pair(Position::B2) == std::make_pair(1, 1)); CHECK(pos_to_pair(Position::H8) == std::make_pair(7, 7)); } TEST_CASE("Test what pieces may move where functon", "[get_possible_movers]"){ std::vector H1_possible_movers = {Position::H2, Position::G1}; CHECK(get_possible_movers(Position::H3, DEFAULT_BOARD) == H1_possible_movers); } TEST_CASE("Test where this piece may move to", "[get_possible_moves]"){ std::vector white_right_knight_possible_moves = {Position::H3, Position::F3}; std::vector black_A_pawn_possible_moves = {Position::A6,Position::A5}; CHECK(get_possible_moves(Position::G1, DEFAULT_BOARD) == white_right_knight_possible_moves); CHECK(get_possible_moves(Position::A7, DEFAULT_BOARD) == black_A_pawn_possible_moves); } TEST_CASE("Test all possible and impossible moves for black pieces", "[get_all_moves][black]"){ CHECK(get_all_moves(B_KING_POS, B_KING_BOARD) == B_KING_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_QUEEN_POS, B_QUEEN_BOARD) == B_QUEEN_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_ROOK_POS, B_ROOK_BOARD) == B_ROOK_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_BISHOP_POS, B_BISHOP_BOARD) == B_BISHOP_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_KNIGHT_POS, B_KNIGHT_BOARD) == B_KNIGHT_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_PAWN_POS, B_PAWN_BOARD) == B_PAWN_ALL_MOVES); } TEST_CASE("Test all possible and impossible moves for whtie pieces", "[get_all_moves][white]"){ CHECK(get_all_moves(W_KING_POS, W_KING_BOARD) == W_KING_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_QUEEN_POS, W_QUEEN_BOARD) == W_QUEEN_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_ROOK_POS, W_ROOK_BOARD) == W_ROOK_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_BISHOP_POS, W_BISHOP_BOARD) == W_BISHOP_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_KNIGHT_POS, W_KNIGHT_BOARD) == W_KNIGHT_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_PAWN_POS, W_PAWN_BOARD) == W_PAWN_ALL_MOVES); } TEST_CASE("Test all moves for white in edge cases.", "[get_all_moves][white]"){ CHECK(get_all_moves(W_KNIGHT_SIDE1_POS, W_KNIGHT_SIDE1_BOARD) == W_KNIGHT_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_KING_SIDE1_POS, W_KING_SIDE1_BOARD) == W_KING_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(W_PAWN_SIDE1_POS, W_PAWN_SIDE1_BOARD) == W_PAWN_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); } TEST_CASE("Test all moves for black in edge cases.", "[get_all_moves][black]"){ CHECK(get_all_moves(B_KNIGHT_SIDE1_POS, B_KNIGHT_SIDE1_BOARD) == B_KNIGHT_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_KING_SIDE1_POS, B_KING_SIDE1_BOARD) == B_KING_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); CHECK(get_all_moves(B_PAWN_SIDE1_POS, B_PAWN_SIDE1_BOARD) == B_PAWN_SIDE1_ALL_MOVES); }