#include #include #include #include "bitwise.h" #include "constants.h" #include "functions.h" #include "color.hpp" // See constants.h for CHESS_CHARS, and DEFAULT_BOARD using namespace std; void print_board(array *board, vector &highlighted_moves){ for (int i = 2; i < 10; ++i){ cout << 10-i << " |"; for (int j = 1; j < 9; ++j){ int ix = (i*10) + j; int piece = (*board)[ix]; string piece_string = FANCY_CHESS_CHARS[piece]; string foreground_color = is_white(piece)?"White":"Black"; string background_color = ""; string modifier = ""; for (int move : highlighted_moves){ if (get_to_sq(move) == ix){ if (get_check_flag(move) == 1){ background_color = "Light Red"; } else if (get_captured_pc(move) != 0){ background_color = "Green"; // If a checkmate occors on this move // Doesn't appear to work in practoce. } else if (to_notation(move, board).find("#") != string::npos){ background_color = "White"; modifier = "Blink"; } else { background_color = "Yellow"; } } } cout << color::rize(" ", foreground_color, background_color, modifier); cout << color::rize(piece_string, foreground_color, background_color, modifier); cout << color::rize(" ", foreground_color, background_color, modifier); } cout << endl; } cout << "--------------------------" << endl; cout << " A B C D E F G H" << endl; } // TODO: allow algebraic notation. int main(){ cout << "Hit h for help!" << endl; Color whos_turn = Color::WHITE; array my_board; copy(DEFAULT_BOARD.begin(), DEFAULT_BOARD.end(), my_board.begin()); vector all_moves = {}; vector all_moves_notation = {}; int en_passant_square = 0; int castle_perms = 0xF; bool reset_en_passant = false; vector highlighted_moves = {}; while (true){ all_moves = {}; all_moves_notation = {}; array my_pieces = whos_turn==Color::WHITE?Pieces::WHITE:Pieces::BLACK; // Gets all moves for color who's turn it is. get_all_moves_for_pieces(my_pieces, &my_board, &all_moves, en_passant_square, castle_perms); print_board(&my_board, highlighted_moves); // If there are no moves. The game is over. // If the king is ALSO in check, then the other team won! if (all_moves.empty()){ if (king_checked(&my_board, whos_turn)){ string winning_team = rev_color(whos_turn)==Color::WHITE?"White":"Black"; cout << "GG! " << winning_team << " won!" << endl; break; } else { cout << "Stalemate, too bad!" << endl; break; } } // Gets a string from cin called input string input; getline(cin, input); // Gets all moves and stores them in a notation list // TODO make into own function bool move_exec = false; int move_to_exec = 0; for (int move : all_moves){ string move_notation = to_notation(move, &my_board); all_moves_notation.push_back(move_notation); if (move_notation == input){ move_exec = true; move_to_exec = move; break; } } // Quits if (input == "q"){ break; } else if (input == "l"){ for (string notation : all_moves_notation){ cout << notation << " "; } cout << endl; continue; } else if (input == "c"){ highlighted_moves = {}; } else if (input == "h"){ cout << "Commands:" < to list all moves for a specific position." << endl; cout << " these will be highlighted on the board with various colors" << endl; cout << " Red: Checking move"<< endl; cout << " Blue: capturing move" << endl; cout << " Yellow: all other moves" << endl; cout << " c to clear the highlights" << endl; } // If the input did not match any legal move. if (!move_exec){ int l_pos = input.find("l"); // If input starts with "l". // It cannot equal only l because that case is taken care of above. // And it continues to the next loop. if (l_pos == 0){ string possible_position = input.substr(2, 2); bool asking_for_specific_moves = false; for (string pos : POSITION_STRING){ if(pos == possible_position){ asking_for_specific_moves = true; } } // If input matches a position. if (asking_for_specific_moves){ highlighted_moves = {}; for (int move : all_moves){ if (POSITION_STRING[get_from_sq(move)] == possible_position){ highlighted_moves.push_back(move); cout << to_notation(move, &my_board) << " "; } } cout << endl; } else { cout << "Invalid move!" << std::endl; cout << "These are the only valid moves: "; for (string notation : all_moves_notation){ cout << notation << " "; } cout << endl; continue; } } // If the input did match a legal move. } else { int moving_from_pos = get_from_sq(move_to_exec); int moving_piece = my_board[moving_from_pos]; // Depending on move, change castle perms, or en_passant square if (get_pawn_st_flag(move_to_exec) == 1){ int en_pass_offset = whos_turn==Color::WHITE?10:-10; en_passant_square = get_to_sq(move_to_exec)+en_pass_offset; reset_en_passant = false; } if (moving_piece == W_ROOK){ if (moving_from_pos == Position::A1 && (castle_perms & CastlePerms::WQS == 1)){ castle_perms -= CastlePerms::WQS; } else if (moving_from_pos == Position::H1 && (castle_perms & CastlePerms::WKS == 1)){ castle_perms -= CastlePerms::WKS; } } else if (moving_piece == B_ROOK){ if (moving_from_pos == Position::H8 && (castle_perms & CastlePerms::BKS == 1)){ castle_perms -= CastlePerms::BKS; } else if (moving_from_pos == Position::A8 && (castle_perms & CastlePerms::BQS == 1)){ castle_perms -= CastlePerms::BQS; } } // Removes castle perms after castling if (is_white(moving_piece) && get_castle_flag(move_to_exec)){ castle_perms -= CastlePerms::WQS; castle_perms -= CastlePerms::WKS; } else if (is_black(moving_piece) && get_castle_flag(move_to_exec)) { castle_perms -= CastlePerms::BQS; castle_perms -= CastlePerms::BKS; } // This will keep the en passant sqaure for one whole turn. if (reset_en_passant){ en_passant_square = 0; reset_en_passant = false; } if (en_passant_square != 0){ reset_en_passant = true; } // This reverses the whos_turn variable. // and runs the move on the my_board variable. my_board = dumb_move(move_to_exec, my_board); whos_turn = rev_color(whos_turn); highlighted_moves = {}; } } return 0; }