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#include "constants.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
// x offset for knight
int poly_knight_offset_x(int x);
// y offset for knight
int poly_knight_offset_y(int y);
// Convert pair of x y coordinates to Position enum member.
// If pr contains values above 7, or below 0 it will fail with an InvalidArgument exception.
Position pair_to_pos(std::pair<int, int> pr);
Position pair_to_pos(int x, int y);
// Convert a Position number into a pair of x y coordiinates
std::pair<int, int> pos_to_pair(Position pn);
// Check if int is a valid position in enum of Position
// Allow ints, and pairs to be checked.
bool is_valid_position(int pos);
bool is_valid_position(std::pair<int, int> pos);
bool is_valid_position(int x, int y);
// Get all positions of pieces which can move to this square
// This may require helper functions for each individual peice.
// TODO rename to something less stupid.
std::vector<Position> get_possible_movers(Position pn, std::array<PieceType, 64> pt);
// Get all possible moved for piece in Position pn.
// This may require helper functions for each individual piece.
std::vector<Position> get_possible_moves(Position pn, std::array<PieceType, 64> pt);
// Get all moved for piece in Position pn.
std::vector<Position> get_all_moves(Position pn, std::array<PieceType, 64> pt);
// Dumb function to do board moves.
// Does NOT check for valid moves. Only moves PieceType of Pos1 to Pos2, then replaces Pos1 with Piecetype::NONE
std::array<PieceType, 64> dumb_move(Position from, Position to, std::array<PieceType, 64> board);